The 470 North American and The 49er North American Championship
Miami Yacht Club | January 15-December 31, 1969

470s (44 boats)

Race 3
Sail SkipperClubDiv.Penalty Pts
1ned-1Sven Coster Kwv de Kaag [470] /0.00 1
2GBR 834Luke Patience Royal Yacht Squadron [470] /0.00 2
3FRA 27Sofian Bouvet YCA [470] /0.00 3
4GBR 841-817nick rogers Royal Yacht Squadron [470] /0.00 4
5USA 1770Adam Roberts sdyc [470] /0.00 5
6gre 165panagiotis kampouridis ycg [470] /0.00 6
7SWE338Anton Dahlberg RSYC [470] /0.00 7
8SWE333Victor Bergstrom GKSS [470] /0.00 8
9Gbr828Nic Asher Wobyc [470] /0.00 9
103Matthias Schmid YCBb [470] /0.00 10
1123Daniel Reichart BYC [470] /0.00 11
12USA1757Erin Maxwell Stonington Harbor YC [470][F] /0.00 12
13ISR 7Gideon Kliger IYA [470] /0.00 13
141736Amanda Clark Shelter Island YC/ NYYC / SCYC [470][F] /0.00 14
15FRA 12Emmanuelle Rol ASPTT Marseille [470][F] /0.00 15
167Joonas Lindgren HSK [470] /0.00 16
17FRA 9Camille Lecointre SRBrest/CNPlerin [470][F] /0.00 17
18BRA 187MARTINE Soffiati Grael Rio Yacht Club [470][F] /0.00 18
19FRA 4Ingrid Petitjean SNMarseille [470][F] /0.00 19
20CAN55john russell Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron [470] /0.00 20
21ARG 5Francisco Sucari YCA [470] /0.00 21
22isr311gil cohen hpoel tel aviv [470][F] /0.00 22
23DEN 148Pierre Leboucher royal lymington yacht club [470] /0.00 23
24AUT 437David Bargehr Yacht Club Bregenz [470] /0.00 24
25DEN 143Henriette Koch Royal Danish Yacht Club [470][F] /0.00 25
26USA 1587Brendan Kopp Pequot Yacht Club [470] /0.00 26
27BRA 186Tommy Sumner SPYC [470] /0.00 27
28USA1751Hunter Ratliff Macatawa Bay YC [470] /0.00 28
29CAN 611Fraser McMillan Royal Victoria Yacht Club [470] /0.00 29
30USA 1777Kaitlin Storck Centerport Yacht Club [470][F] /0.00 30
31713Adrienne Patterson Annapolis Yacht Club [470][F] /0.00 31
321626Andrew Sumpton none [470] /0.00 32
331743Connor Brady South Carolina Yacht Club [470] /0.00 33
34USA 1705Allison Jolly USF sailing team [470][F] /0.00 34
35GRE1Panagiotis Mantis PSC [470] DNS/0.00 45
36SWE 342Ingrid Söderström GKSS [470][F] DNS/0.00 45
37GBR 842pipsqueek wilson royal lymington yacht club [470][F] DNS/0.00 45
381Rachael Silverstein St. Petersburg yachtclub [470][F] DNS/0.00 45
391741Zar Wade-Gledhill Seabrook Sailing Club [470] DNS/0.00 45
401746-736Kathleen Tocke New York Yacht Club, BCC [470][F] DNS/0.00 45
411764Sara Fox Portland YC [470][F] DNS/0.00 45
421772Charlie Modica Shelter Island [470] OCS/0.00 45
43Can610Jen Braem Royal Victoria Yacht Club [470][F] OCS/0.00 45
44USA 1713Stuart McNay Beverly Yacht Club [470] OCS/0.00 45

Principal Race Officer: Tom Farquhar

Information is final.

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