Registrants For

Crew Waiver
2017 J/105 North American Championships

October 25-29, 2017
112 people have registered for this event

    Name Boat Name Skipper last name
(Please verify correct spelling)*
1. Kelson Elam - Schaffer
2. Katrina Williams - Macdonald
3. Nicolas Derville - -
4. Azalea Sanchez 5th landing Samo
5. Rudy Mircovich 5th Landing Samo
6. Robert Moreno 5th Landing Samo
7. Ben Moreno 5th Landing Samo
8. Duncan Samo 5th Landing Samo
9. Teri Samo 5th Landing Samo
10. Todd Rufner Beauty Horton
11. Ryan LaValley Beauty Horton
12. Kenneth Young Beauty Horton
13. Ken Young Beauty Horten
14. Sarah Francis Beauty Horton
15. Brindle Burt Beauty Horton
16. Scott Hurst Blue Flash Matt Arno
17. Rahn Zaccari Blue Flash Arno
18. Jim Cooper Blue flash Arno
19. Nataleigh Perez Blue Flash Arno
20. Victor Alcaraz Blue flash Arno
21. Mike McGagh Déjà Voodoo Zartler
22. Karen Lewis Deja VoDoo Zartler
23. Meghan Pesch DeJa Voodoo Zartler
24. Chris Lewis Deja Vu Doo Zartler
25. Cynthia P. Hall Dejavodoo Zartler
26. Jonathan Corless Distant Passion Macdonald
27. Jeffrey Roach Distant Passion Macdonald
28. Walter Smith Distant Passion Macdonald
29. Paul Watson Distant Passion Macdonald
30. David Hoye Double D Schaefer
31. Craig White Double Dare Schaffer
32. Steven Flunker Double Dare Schaffer
33. Craig Johnson Double Dare Schaffer
34. Paul Beaudin Eau La La Mark Smith
35. Jason Dyer Eau La La Smith
36. Gary McGinnity Eau la la Smith
37. jonathan Sager Eau La La Smith
38. david stotler good trade stone
39. Halsey Richartz Good Trade Stone
40. Ryan Simmons Good Trade Stone
41. Kevin LeCompte Good Trade Stone
42. Bill Higgins Good Trade USA 96 Stone
44. Tal Ozeri Infinity Ozeri
45. Carter Timbel Infinity Ozeri
46. paul redmond infinity ozeri
47. Roscoe Taylor J Jour Avisse
48. Veljko Roskar Jour J Avisse
49. Cody Oeung Jour J Avisse
50. cynthia Pale Jour-J AVISSE
51. Robert Maroney Kinderspel2 Bell
52. Jordan Burns Kinderspel2 Bell
53. Martin Hameka Kinderspel2 Bell
54. Charlotte Trudeau Kinderspel2 Bell
55. Chris Corley Kinderspel2 Bell
56. Jake Scott Mojo Rhyne
57. Ryan Glaze MOJO Rhyne
58. Brian Shores Mojo Rhyne
59. Joe Taylor Mojo Rhyne
60. Alan Woodyard MOJO Rhyne
61. Matthew Morrell NE NE Young
62. Sandra Baldridge Ne Ne Young
63. Casey Lambert NE*NE Young
64. Chris Wientjes NENE Young
65. Jesse Fulmer NeNe Young
66. Mark Hatten Ou La La Smith
67. Brett Allred Pesto Barent
68. Sean Davis Pesto Barnett
69. Oliver Buddy Byington PESTO Barnett
70. Jenny Robinson Pesto Barnett
71. Allison Cribbs Pesto Barnett
72. Donald Peloquin Pesto John Barnett
73. Simon Thomas Radiance Lakenmacher
74. Jody Lutz Radiance Lakenmacher
75. Robert Brann Radiance Lakenmacher
76. Daniel Lakenmacher Radiance Lakenmacher
77. Michael Sager Radiance Lakenmacher
78. Michael Stovall Rumpus Robbins
79. Nicholas Robbins Rumpus Robbins
80. Matthew Robbins Rumpus Robbins
81. Ben Robbins Rumpus Robbins
82. Charles Haehl Rumpus Robbins
83. Greg Tawaststjerna Sanity Goebel
84. Shawn Burke Sanity Goebel
85. Mitchell Burke Sanity Goebel
86. Alan Nakanishi sanity goebel
87. Brian McMartin Sanity Goebel
88. Virginia Vance Stinger Bednair
89. Kevin Bednar stinger Bednar
90. Murat Gorgun Stinger Bednar
91. Kevin Orff Stinger Bednar
92. Megan Larson Stinger Bednar
93. Theresa Gale Texas Ranger IV Wielchowsky
94. Matthew Kriner Texas Ranger IV Wielchowsky
95. Meredith Eatough Texas Ranger IV Wielchowshy
96. Gavin Gerondale Texas Ranger IV Chuck Wielchowsky
97. Patrick Bruhn Texas Ranger IV Wielchowsky
98. Andre Denais Tw Feathers Masur
99. David Klebanoff Two Feathers Masur
100. Jolene Masur Two Feathers Masur
101. Daryl Bowen Two Feathers Masur
102. Jessie Monsivais Two Feathers Masur
103. Peter Vaseliades Veloce Richline
104. Jacob Granberry Veloce Richline
105. Gary Patenaude Veloce Richline
106. Megan Olivarez Veloce Richline
107. Mark Foster Veloche Richline
108. FATEMA NAQVI Zippitti Bates
109. taylan ilhan Zippity Bates
110. Michael Lewis Zippity Bates
111. Giorgio Martelli Zippity Bates
112. Michael Prejean Zippity Bates

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