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CRA Year End Regatta sponsored by Ullman Sails
The first regatta of the 2023 CRA HIGH POINT CHAMPIONSHIP
Date of Race: Sat., December 10, 2022
Classes: PHRF Spinnaker, ORC Sport Boat, Non-Spinnaker, One Design, Multi-Hull
Entries Close: 6pm, Friday, December 9, 2022
Schedule: 2 races in North San Diego Bay
After Race Party: Ullman Sail Loft
Shadow Scoring: PHRF classes will be able to sign up to have these races "shadow scored" using any ORR or ORC certificate for $10 per additional certificate.
Registration is now open and available online via Regatta Network. Click the link below to begin your registration:
Please note: Form will launch in a new window. Please disable pop-up blockers if you are having issues.
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