Crew Finder Detail:
Name: Osman Akan
Day Phone: 9173531647
Evening Phone: 9173531647
Looking for crew to race Whitebread 25. We need two, possibly three people to handle our tartan41 Spindrift. Main and jib sheets really. We are racing in the non-spin division so foredeck is not important. It is however, important that the applicants have racing experience. We don't want to explain how to ease the sheets to slow the boat down, or how to switch gears etc. While we are taking it seriously, we are relatively new to racing and do it for fun. Spindrift is a wonderful ocean racer that won the Malabar trophy in 1982 during Newport-Bermuda Race. Obviously she is old, and not really race ready but still sails like a freight train in to the wind.
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