Crew Finder Detail:
Name: Pete Baker
Day Phone: 410-993-6989
Evening Phone: 410-456-3544
In my 28 years of competitive keelboat racing, I have worked most positions on a boat, including main, genoa, spinnaker, pit, mast, and foredeck. I spent most of the years on a S2-9.1 (trim), a New York 36 (foredeck), a C&C99 (trim), a SR33 (trim), and a J/35 (trim), on the Magothy, the West River, and around Annapolis. I have sailed most Wednesdays and 1-2 weekends each month throughout the racing season. I am looking for a boat that will go out Fridays and then have a leisurely dinner somewhere on land. Fridays are as much about socializing as it is about racing. I am interested in putting a new campaign together or joining an experienced one, or anywhere in between.
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