Crew Finder Detail:
Name: Terry Young
Day Phone: 281-285-8933
Evening Phone: 281-285-8933
Looking to crew for the Gulfport Race! I am a 52(will turn 53 in the race) year male, 6’1” tall 220 lb. and I am the Captain and owner of “Katana”( Hunter 34), I have be in over ten Harvest Moon Races, and the four times I have entered my boat, I have trophy every time. I have also trophy in the GBCA, Rum Races, and the Icicle Races as well. I have been crewing in the Wednesday Night Race on Clearlake for about twelve years now, and I have been crew for the fleet champion, for a number of years. I raced in Vera Cruz Race in 2002 and made in time for the party. I will not be able to help bring your boat back, but believe I have someone to take my place for the return. If you need more crew I may be able to bring in some of my crew, or friends. Terry Young 281-285-8933, e-mail is
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