Opening Day Beer Can Bash
Waikiki Yacht Club | February 11, 2012

A (6 boats)

Race 1
Race Information: Start Date/Time = February 11, 2012 14:00:00, Length (NM) = 3.6, A: 650 B: 650
Sail SkipperBoatClubRatingFinish TimeElapsedCorrectedPenalty Pts
161046Scott Bradley CaZanWYC -15 14:34:36 00:34:36 00:35:25 /0.00 1
235212James McDowell HeartbeatWYC -18 14:35:13 00:35:13 00:36:13 /0.00 2
343710Yang Suh StardustWYC 18 14:41:15 00:41:15 00:40:08 /0.00 3
42302Gilman Budar GerontiusWaikiki Yacht Club 39 14:42:52 00:42:52 00:40:26 /0.00 4
552136Todd Wyrick Hugo BossWYC 60 14:44:15 00:44:15 00:40:31 /0.00 5
646860Dr John L Myhre LocomotionHawaii Yacht Club -21 14:51:33 00:51:33 00:53:16 /0.00 6

Race Information: Start Date/Time = February 11, 2012 14:00:00, Length (NM) = 3.6, A: 650 B: 650
Principal Race Officer: Ted Miller

Information is final.

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