2012 Intra-Club Series
Richmond Yacht Club |

Non-Spinnaker (14 boats)

Race 1 | April 07, 2012
Race Information: Start Date/Time = April 07, 2012 13:42:00, Length (NM) = 11.5, A: 650 B: 550
Sail SkipperBoatClubRatingFinish TimeElapsedCorrectedPenalty Pts
138079Ralf Morgan DitzyRYC 168 16:28:00 02:46:00 02:30:17 /0.00 1
283Nancy/ Dick Pettengill/Taylor Maeve IIRYC 168 16:30:34 02:48:34 02:32:36 /0.00 2
3222kirk smith dreamryc 168 16:33:10 02:51:10 02:34:57 /0.00 3
4IC 10Tim Murison BoleroRichmond Yacht Club 144 16:28:30 02:46:30 02:35:57 /0.00 4
59384Mike Farrell LassieRichmond 207 16:48:00 03:06:00 02:39:43 /0.00 5
6123Steve kittle AukletRYC 210 16:52:00 03:10:00 02:42:30 /0.00 6
7XX (20)Cinde Lou Delmas Another GirlRYC 90 16:30:45 02:48:45 02:51:23 /0.00 7
851705Suzanne/Robert Salfi Don't StopRYC 54 16:28:10 02:46:10 02:58:49 /0.00 8
90Don Hubbard Abby GaleMember 129 16:57:35 03:15:35 03:07:14 /0.00 9
10NoneKetil Jensen WindRunnerRichmond YC 114 17:04:48 03:22:48 03:18:31 /0.00 10
1116720Bill and Pattie O'Connor VIVACERichmond YC 144 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 12
1213Dave Liggett JackrabbitRichmond YC 99 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNC/0.00 15
1328117Karl Engdahl Helan GarRYC 99 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNC/0.00 15
14255Ron Tostenson JewelRYC 168 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNC/0.00 15

Race Information: Start Date/Time = April 07, 2012 13:42:00, Length (NM) = 11.5, A: 650 B: 550
Principal Race Officer: Jocelyn Nash

Information is provisional and subject to modification

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