2011 Around the Island Race
Conanicut Yacht Club | September 04, 2011

PHRF (93 boats)

Race 1
Race Information: Start Date/Time = September 04, 2011 11:30:00, A: 650 B: 550
Sail SkipperBoatClubRatingDiv.Finish TimeElapsedCorrectedPenalty Pts
1127Peter Johnstone FeatherCYC 228 F 15:02:06 03:32:06 02:57:12 /0.00 1
2535Lowell Thomas ChaosCYC 186 C 14:39:09 03:27:09 03:02:57 /0.00 2
31533William Porter ConundrumCYC 186 C 14:40:30 03:28:30 03:04:08 /0.00 3
45291Mike Hill ObstreperousIDA LEWIS 174 F 14:55:12 03:25:12 03:04:14 /0.00 4
5US 1575Matt Dunbar Wharf Ratnone 186 C 14:41:22 03:29:22 03:04:54 /0.00 5
6USA 1535Jeff Westcott MachbusterCYC 186 C 14:42:58 03:30:58 03:06:19 /0.00 6
72781Richard Barker NighthawkSail Newport 180 F 15:00:22 03:30:22 03:07:19 /0.00 7
895Tripp/KJ Alyn/Delamer Summer WindCoasters Harbor Navy YC 199 A 14:36:02 03:36:02 03:07:29 /0.00 8
93294Henry Lane FastlaneJYC 174 F 14:59:27 03:29:27 03:08:03 /0.00 9
102324Maggie Borden HeffahSail Newport 174 F 15:05:05 03:35:05 03:13:06 /0.00 10
113148Paul Schmidle All InEGYC 174 F 15:06:30 03:36:30 03:14:22 /0.00 11
12224Peter Parsons CatchCYC 186 C 14:54:32 03:42:32 03:16:32 /0.00 12
13T 4171Alex Wadson ManicRBYC 99 H 14:59:50 03:17:50 03:18:08 /0.00 13
143310Adam Cove IllusionSail Newport 174 F 15:10:47 03:40:47 03:18:13 /0.00 14
1590Alan Baines SonadoraCYC 170 A 14:40:02 03:40:02 03:18:38 /0.00 15
1611John Whaley WHALAYEDQDNYC 180 F 15:15:35 03:45:35 03:20:52 /0.00 16
1725Stephen Parfet Second WindJamestown YC 214 A 14:58:35 03:58:35 03:22:59 /0.00 17
1862David Goss WHENn/a 255 F 15:42:52 04:12:52 03:24:11 /0.00 18
19616Robert Iriye TenaciousNewport Yachtclub 193 A 14:55:51 03:55:51 03:26:20 /0.00 19
2050009Ron O'Hanley PrivateerNYYC -78 J 14:25:35 02:31:35 03:28:45 /0.00 20
2120145Charles beal Four SunsConanicut Yacht Club 134 B 14:48:57 03:42:57 03:31:52 /0.00 21
22208MALCOLM GEFTER CLERITASNYYC 30 I 14:59:15 03:11:15 03:34:20 /0.00 22
231173Jeff Johnstone Little FeatIda Lewis Yacht Club 123 D 15:00:18 03:42:18 03:34:42 /0.00 23
2449James D. Bishop Sr. GOLD DIGGERConnanicut 33 I 15:01:59 03:13:59 03:36:17 /0.00 24
2540726Les Stevens Water DancerNewport Yacht Club 198 A 15:08:58 04:08:58 03:36:21 /0.00 25
26208Craig Forbes HARAKARIYC 101 B 14:43:08 03:37:08 03:36:48 /0.00 26
2714111Julie Kallfelz AuroraCYC 108 G 15:15:51 03:39:51 03:37:11 /0.00 27
2831200Tom Rich SettlerIda Lewis 61 I 15:12:15 03:24:15 03:37:17 /0.00 28
29167Ben Jacobsen SluffSail Newport 105 E 15:03:10 03:39:10 03:37:30 /0.00 29
30632Jack Colby Civil Actionnone 93 H 15:17:16 03:35:16 03:37:37 /0.00 30
311143john hughes shadowpleasant street wharf marina 255 F 16:00:18 04:30:18 03:38:15 /0.00 31
32110Jep peacock Rut RowNYC 105 E 15:04:13 03:40:13 03:38:32 /0.00 32
33USA 37Bob Johnstone Henry Brauer FLEETWINGNew York Yacht Club 42 I 15:07:43 03:19:43 03:39:17 /0.00 33
3485William Freeborn GreenthumbSail Newport 105 E 15:06:08 03:42:08 03:40:26 /0.00 34
3587218George Cochran CowboyWickford Harbor Mudheads 105 G 15:18:36 03:42:36 03:40:54 /0.00 35
361976David Schwartz MischiefBristol Yacht Club 85 H 15:17:54 03:35:54 03:41:00 /0.00 36
37126robert salk/// john sahagian picantecyc 71 I 15:20:08 03:32:08 03:42:02 /0.00 37
3850832bill Demos Renegadewickford 76 H 15:16:21 03:34:21 03:42:34 /0.00 38
3928Bill Macgowan MACXIDA LEWIS 83 H 15:18:47 03:36:47 03:42:36 /0.00 39
4022Benjamin Steinberg USA 22Sail Newport 105 E 15:08:43 03:44:43 03:43:00 /0.00 40
414206Paul Zabetakis ImpetuousConanicut Yacht Club -6 J 15:01:20 03:07:20 03:43:50 /0.00 41
4253236Dennis Nixon LYNXCYC 120 G 15:27:04 03:51:04 03:44:10 /0.00 42
43US 51244T Gordon McNabb Flying Cloud IInyyc 90 B 14:47:01 03:41:01 03:44:28 /0.00 43
44277Tony Lush Summer SongCYC 210 A 15:22:42 04:22:42 03:44:41 TIE/9.99 43.5
45514JC Raby Evil DonutNew York YC 99 H 15:26:20 03:44:20 03:44:41 TIE/9.99 43.5
4642258Paul Grimes BreakawayCYC 81 H 15:19:55 03:37:55 03:44:29 /0.00 44
4743678Brian Cunha IrieNewport 10 J 15:08:36 03:14:36 03:45:53 /0.00 47
4878Matt Sole HijackRoyal Cornwall YC 105 E 15:12:21 03:48:21 03:46:36 /0.00 48
4949Eric Bell PhantomJYC 123 D 15:13:07 03:55:07 03:47:05 /0.00 49
50101Chris Brown LunaJamestown Yacht Club 165 G 15:45:50 04:09:50 03:47:07 /0.00 50
514212Lincoln Mossop The Cat Came BackNew York -7 J 15:03:50 03:09:50 03:47:14 /0.00 51
521172A Bulger GooseNew York YC 123 D 15:13:44 03:55:44 03:47:41 /0.00 52
53158Peter Denton Torr-ificNew York Yacht Club 105 E 15:13:50 03:49:50 03:48:05 /0.00 53
5452948Hugh Balloch DragonCYC 47 I 15:17:43 03:29:43 03:48:20 /0.00 54
5541469Dan Stone White HeatWickford Yacht Club 75 I 15:28:19 03:40:19 03:49:08 /0.00 55
56608Ross Weene & Eli Slater Good FootIYAC 165 G 15:48:16 04:12:16 03:49:20 /0.00 56
57USA 265Andrew Burton GromitIda Lewis YC 123 D 15:15:58 03:57:58 03:49:50 /0.00 57
5830956Ben Riggs IsabelCHNYC 221 A 15:34:14 04:34:14 03:51:12 /0.00 58
5950316WILLIAM L KIMBELL JR MADRIGALEGYC, JYC 49 B 14:39:49 03:33:49 03:52:01 /0.00 59
6052218Todd Johnston no nameEast Greenwich 50 I 15:22:19 03:34:19 03:52:11 /0.00 60
6124790Mark Gervais Dark StarEast Greenwich Yacht Club 143 G 15:43:51 04:07:51 03:52:28 /0.00 61
6245016Robert Kits van Heyningen TemptressIda Lewis Yacht Club 9 J 15:16:00 03:22:00 03:54:53 /0.00 62
6373499Peter Allstrom Ansernone 121 G 15:39:08 04:03:08 03:55:31 /0.00 63
64USA 45024Stephen De Voe DEVOCEANNYYC -18 J 15:07:22 03:13:22 03:56:15 /0.00 64
65USA41941Patti Young Paul Hamilton SarabandeConanicut Yacht Club 71 I 15:34:29 03:46:29 03:57:04 /0.00 65
6656EC Helme SpiritIYAC 96 H 15:38:15 03:56:15 03:57:43 /0.00 66
672000Cary St Onge Falcon 2000CCA -94 J 14:41:08 02:47:08 03:58:14 /0.00 67
6843784Peter Coupe Toucan TangoNone 114 B 15:10:28 04:04:28 03:59:19 /0.00 68
69E33 USA 25Nick Bowen epiphanyBarrington Yatch Club 108 G 15:39:23 04:03:23 04:00:25 /0.00 69
7052987Sheila McGauvran MiraWBYC 161 B 15:29:39 04:23:39 04:01:02 /0.00 70
71USA 60013JanPetr Trousilek Czech MateCzech YC Prague Czech Republic 222 A 15:46:37 04:46:37 04:01:19 /0.00 71
7293086Gordon Fletcher RiptideWickford Yacht Club 58 I 15:34:37 03:46:37 04:02:16 /0.00 72
7340020Robert Vincent Susan ElizabethN/A 146 B 15:25:51 04:19:51 04:02:41 /0.00 73
7443Dawson Hodgson GrimaceWickford Mudheads 82 H 15:38:04 03:56:04 04:02:47 /0.00 74
7530950Andrew Yates FootlooseJamestown Yacht Club 146 G 15:55:59 04:19:59 04:02:48 /0.00 75
762100Peter Jencks GodzillaNewport Yacht Club 86 H 15:42:16 04:00:16 04:05:33 /0.00 76
77USA 52703Peter Michaelson CetaceanEdgewood YC 147 B 15:29:29 04:23:29 04:05:43 /0.00 77
7812Kyle Hubley Weir KrakenHenan yacht club, sweden 49 B 14:53:01 03:47:01 04:06:21 /0.00 78
7932666Pat Clayton Floating PointNewport Yacht Club 90 H 15:46:17 04:04:17 04:08:06 /0.00 79
80203Brooke Mastrorio URSASIRA 75 I 15:53:11 04:05:11 04:14:59 /0.00 80
81675fermo bianchi Conca Azzurranone 216 A 16:11:14 05:11:14 04:24:06 /0.00 92
8260810Jim Coppola RascalNA 172 A 16:00:16 05:00:16 04:30:19 /0.00 93
83711David Brodsky Alfred Van Liew SealNYYC 175 F NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 94
842Julia Taylor Macynon 182 A NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 94
8546193Dave McLoughlin RUTAINENewport Yacht Club 100 G NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 94
861590Mike Sharp Island TimeCoaster's Harbor Navy YC 190 A NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 94
87112Dan Dwyer SurpriseNYYC 167 B NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 94
8852853Jeff rabuffo xenophonnyyc 87 H NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DSQ/0.00 94
894216Philip Lotz ArethusaNYYC -6 J NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 94
90204Peter McCarthy EagleILYC 123 D NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 94
9140569Vic Farmer Vee JayNewport Yacht Club 144 G NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNF/0.00 94
9260440Bruce Glassick ELISECYC 105 B NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 94
932792Moose McClintock Two DogsSail Newport 254 F NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNF/0.00 94

Race Information: Start Date/Time = September 04, 2011 11:30:00, , A: 650 B: 550
Principal Race Officer: John Mayers

Information is provisional and subject to modification

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