2012 Opening Day Regatta
Austin Yacht Club | March 11, 2012

PHRF Non-Spin C (11 boats)

Race 1
Race Information: Start Date/Time = March 11, 2012 13:45:00, Length (NM) = 7, A: 650 B: 550
Sail SkipperBoatRatingFinish TimeElapsedCorrectedPenalty Pts
11927John Maddalozzo Ornery 171 15:31:45 01:46:45 01:36:14 /0.00 1
2198William Records Cafe au Lait 210 15:40:02 01:55:02 01:38:23 /0.00 2
3162Kevin Reynolds Dragon 192 15:40:10 01:55:10 01:40:53 /0.00 3
45256Trey Amrhein Hakuna Matata 195 15:45:10 02:00:10 01:44:51 /0.00 4
53388Steve Ehlers Endorfin 189 15:44:54 01:59:54 01:45:28 /0.00 5
6246Jimmy Henrickson Warrior 75 15:31:01 01:46:01 01:50:15 /0.00 6
710Bill Boas Que Pasa 198 15:55:54 02:10:54 01:53:45 /0.00 7
865Jim Johnstone S2Pendo 195 16:04:09 02:19:09 02:01:24 /0.00 8
9US465Damon Galloway Sea Weasel 180 16:02:39 02:17:39 02:02:34 /0.00 9
1054Linda Donovan Far Away 183 16:03:24 02:18:24 02:02:44 /0.00 10
11246jim henrickson warreor11 72 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 12

Race Information: Start Date/Time = March 11, 2012 13:45:00, Length (NM) = 7, A: 650 B: 550
Principal Race Officer: Barry Bowden

Information is provisional and subject to modification

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