Great Pumpkin 2012 - Saturday Buoy Races
Richmond Yacht Club | October 27-28, 2012

PHRF-V (10 boats)

Race 1
Race Information: Start Date/Time = October 27, 2012 12:35:00, Length (NM) = 3, A: 650 B: 550
Sail SkipperBoatRatingFinish TimeElapsedCorrectedPenalty Pts
128669Jeff McCord Quiver 45 13:11:36 00:36:36 00:39:59 /0.00 1
238073David Schumann Raven 75 13:13:29 00:38:29 00:40:01 /0.00 2
3USA3632Wayne Koide Encore 57 13:14:33 00:39:33 00:42:21 /0.00 3
440646Henry King Jeannette 63 13:17:38 00:42:38 00:45:12 /0.00 4
51001Michael Radcliffe Kilo 45 13:17:48 00:42:48 00:46:45 /0.00 5
638023Dean (Steve) Hocking Ohana 63 13:20:03 00:45:03 00:47:46 /0.00 6
718441Gerry Brown Mintaka 4 75 13:21:33 00:46:33 00:48:25 /0.00 7
88123Memo Gidley Basic Instinct 69 13:24:33 00:49:33 00:52:02 /0.00 8
933007Wayne lamprey Rhum Boogie 75 13:25:39 00:50:39 00:52:41 /0.00 9
1087978Thomas Palmatier Shoofly 54 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNC/0.00 11

Race Information: Start Date/Time = October 27, 2012 12:35:00, Length (NM) = 3, A: 650 B: 550
Principal Race Officer: Eric Arens & Bob Branstad

Information is provisional and subject to modification

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