Spring Series 2012
St. Joseph River Yacht Club |

Spinnaker(TOT) (11 boats)

Race 3 | May 30, 2012
Race Information: Start Date/Time = May 30, 2012 19:00:00, Length (NM) = 7, A: 650 B: 600
Sail SkipperBoatClubRatingFinish TimeElapsedCorrectedPenalty Pts
16204Jeff Alisch RushSJRYC 84 20:11:08 01:11:08 01:07:36 /0.00 1
233547Gintaras Karaitis Quick SilverSJRJC 63 20:09:44 01:09:44 01:08:22 /0.00 2
339535Ronald Schults WellenreiterSJRYC 30 20:06:55 01:06:55 01:09:02 /0.00 3
440688Jon Veersma Zotsjryc 93 20:13:47 01:13:47 01:09:12 /0.00 4
520442Tom Jacobs Dandelionsjryc 114 20:16:07 01:16:07 01:09:18 /0.00 5
66869Andy Grootendorst CynthiaSt.Jospeh River Yacht Club 138 20:19:15 01:19:15 01:09:48 /0.00 6
752940Jud Brown SilkSJRYC 81 20:15:40 01:15:40 01:12:13 /0.00 7
851395Dirk Kruger Sea RaiderSJRYC 81 20:16:48 01:16:48 01:13:18 /0.00 8
942998Patrick Nelson Captain BloodSJRYC 72 20:15:59 01:15:59 01:13:30 /0.00 9
1025436Stuart Boekeloo AttitudeSJRYC 87 20:26:33 01:26:33 01:21:53 /0.00 10
1114510Eric Mallen White Knuckles TooSJRYC 225 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNC/0.00 12

Race Information: Start Date/Time = May 30, 2012 19:00:00, Length (NM) = 7, A: 650 B: 600
Principal Race Officer: Ken Zimmerman

Information is final.

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