Thistle Great Lakes Championship
Chautauqua Yacht Club | June 15-17, 2012

Thistle (35 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 6 races scored

Information is final.
Regatta results last updated: Sunday, June 17, 2012 12:06:26 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 3845, , Mike ingham/Kyle Finnefrock
Sarah Paisley, RCC, 5-1-1-1-2-1- ; 11   
2. 3976, Resilient, Greg Griffin/Paul Abdullah
Ryanne Gallagher, The Florida Yacht Club, 3-5-2-2-3-11- ; 26   
3. 3652, Grey [doesn't] Matter, Tom Hubbell/John Yingling
Christine Rice, Chautauqua Yacht Club, 2-15-8-3-6-7- ; 41T   
4. 603, Maid-of-Pligh, Christopher Pollak/Lee Stump
Jocelyn Pollak, Cedar Point Yacht Club, 7-3-6-8-4-13- ; 41T   
5. 4024, The LFB, John Baker/Joy Martin
Bill Dexter, Seneca Yacht Club, 1-11-14-16-1-2- ; 45   
6. 3765, Moondance, Doug Kaukeinen/Joe Kaukeinen
Deirdre Santos, Rochester Canoe Club, 16-9-3-9-5-6- ; 48   
7. 4016, Indefatigablererer, Brad Thompson, Cedar Point YC, 13-7-17-5-12-4- ; 58   
8. 3910, , Wesley Harnish/Anne Harnish Punch Metcalf
Punch Metcalf, Hoover Yacht Club, 12-12-4-19-10-9- ; 66   
9. 3838, , KIT HOLZAEPFEL/noel thurber
laura holzaepfel, lyc, 11-8-24-18-11-3- ; 75   
10. 3786, Relentless, Andrew Lawrence/Patty Lawrence
Tim Gilliland, CLSA, 8-20-11-7-16-24- ; 86   
11. 3839, Dazzler, Allan Terhune, Jr./Katie Terhune
Kaity Norton, Annapolis Yacht Club, 9-2-13-21-9-36/DNS- ; 90   
12. 3908, Alma, WIlliam Wilson/Carol Wilson
John Wilson, Seneca Yacht Club, Fleet 29, 6-6-19-10-20-30- ; 91   
13. 4000, Red, Dan Reasoner/Luke Reasoner, Nockamixon Sail Club, 4-31-18-14-17-8- ; 92   
14. 3775, MB5, Don Stehle/Ted Plenge
Shelly Strachan, Rochester Canoe Club, 17-16-5-32-14-16- ; 100T   
15. 3953, Growler, Rob Dexter/Tim Dexter
TBD TBD, Saratoga Lake Sailing Club, 23-18-12-28-7-12- ; 100T   
16. 3525, , Nikolas Lintunen/Brandon Noland
Christina Williams, Lasalle Mariners Yacht Club, 25-14-21-6-15-22- ; 103   
17. 1853, , Matt Kreuzkamp/Natalie Hill
Jared Ridder, Cedar Point YC, 14-36/OCS-9-4-22-21- ; 106T   
18. 1784, , Jesse Shedden/Ben France
Kate Gladieux, N/A, 18-10-7-20-36/DNF-15- ; 106T   
19. 3878, Seriously Twisted, Marshall Gates, RCC, 20-13-25-12-24-14- ; 108   
20. 3893, , Steve Lavender, Hoover Sailing Club, 22-24-10-17-21-18- ; 112   
21. 3947, , David Hudson/John Hudson, Saratoga Lake Sailing Club, 26-21-15-26-8-17- ; 113T   
22. 3144, Gandalf, Will Weible, Cleveland Yachting Club, 31-17-22-15-18-10- ; 113T   
23. 3984, Sneaky Duck, Paul Owens/Alissa Owens
Britt Kaukeinen, Rochester Canoe Club, 28-4-29-30-19-5- ; 115   
24. 3814, Yowsir!, Mark Weider/Rick Howitt, Rochester Canoe Club, 24-27-20-11-13-23- ; 118   
25. 3736, Chute, Timothy Hussey/George Malanga
Thomas Hussey, Lake Hopatcong Yacht Club, 21-23-23-13-26-20- ; 126   
26. 3422, ron burgundy, Scott Meyer/Lauren Borst
Aaron Holland, SLSC, 10-19-16-36/DNS-23-28- ; 132   
27. 3723, hee bee gee bee, Bill Bradburn/Jessica Bradburn
Billy Bradburn, Rochester Canoe Club, 30-25-26-29-25-19- ; 154   
28. 1842, , Robert France/Pam -
Eddie Duckworth, Leatherlips Yacht Club, 29-26-28-22-28-26- ; 159   
29. 4020, Elaine, Mark Andrew/Matt Calore, Hoover Sailing Club, 27-22-32-23-31-25- ; 160   
30. 3616, , Dick Bartz/Annette Bartz
Michele Bartz, Leatherlips Yacht Club, 15-30-27-24-29-36/DNS- ; 161   
31. 3453, Yarely, Bryant Walker/Sheena Walker
Meghan France, Cowan lake sailing, 19-28-31-25-30-29- ; 162   
32. 3767, Great White, Martin James/Connie Sheets
Brian Schaldach, Cowan Lake Sailing Association, 32-34-30-31-27-27- ; 181   
33. 3178, Thistle, Max Ofer, Hans Ofer, Kurt Ofer, Otsego Sailing Club, 34-29-33-27-32-31- ; 186   
34. 1619, , Charlie Yingling, CYC, 33-32-35-33-33-36/DNS- ; 202   
35. 3834, Wake - Up, Chris Connelly, Rochester Canoe Club, 35-33-34-36/DNF-36/DNS-36/DNS- ; 210   

Scoring System is RRS Low Point 2017-2020

- Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts
- Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Information is final.

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