Craig & Ross 2012 CYA Youth National Sailing Championship
Gimli Yacht Club | August 28-September 01, 2012

Laser (Male) (13 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 12 races scored

Information is final.
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, September 01, 2012 1:37:00 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 200551, Max Gallant, rvicyc, 1-3-[4]-1-2-1-1-4-2-[6]-1-1- ; 17   
2. 198652, Dominic Fritz, Royal Vanc YC, 4-2-2-4-3-2-3-[14/OCS]-[14/OCS]-1-5-3- ; 29   
3. 203914, Matthew Sherar, ABYC, 3-4-[7]-3-4-5-5-[6]-1-5-3-4- ; 37   
4. 173725, Matthew Turner, Royal Victoria Yacht Club, 5-5-9-6-[11]-3-[10]-2-3-3-6-5- ; 47   
5. 198360, David Cormack, Newell Sailing Club, 2-[14/DNC]-1-5-1-7-2-5-[14/OCS]-14/DNE-9-2- ; 48   
6. 201275, Riley Finch, RCYC, [14/OCS]-1-3-2-6-6-[9]-7-7-7-2-9- ; 50   
7. 195930, Kevin Wiersma, RNSYS, [14/OCS]-6-6-8-7-8-11-[14/OCS]-5-4-4-7- ; 66   
8. 194159, Taylor Perkins, KYC / PCYC, 7-9-8-7-8-4-6-3-[14/OCS]-8-[10]-8- ; 68   
9. 198354, Austin Ross, FYC, 6-7-11-9-10-[12]-8-1-4-2-11-[14/DNF]- ; 69   
10. 195646, Brayden Bilton, Calgary Yacht Club, 8-10-[12]-[12]-5-9-4-8-6-10-8-10- ; 78   
11. 196123, Brendan Aulthouse, KYC, 10-8-10-10-9-10-[12]-14/DNE-[14/DNC]-9-7-6- ; 93   
12. 191547, nick smith, RVicYC, 9-11-5-11-[12]-11-7-9-8-11-12-[14/OCS]- ; 94   
13. 189658, Benjamin Korol, Regina Sailing Club, 11-12-[13]-[13]-13-13-13-10-9-12-13-11- ; 117   

Laser Radial (Open) (48 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 12 races scored

Information is final.
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, September 01, 2012 1:43:59 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 196836, Luke Ruitenberg, RNSYS, [49/BFD]-[14]-3-1-7-3-8-6-9-4-5-1- ; 47   
2. 196034, Austin Stein, RCYC, 4-8-4-6-8-6-2-7-1-9-[10]-[12]- ; 55   
3. 190235, hugh macrae, KYC, 2-1-2-[49/BFD]-2-[49/OCS]-1-20-6-8-9-5- ; 56   
4. 198678, Corinne Peters, RNSYS, 8-3-16-2-1-4-4-[19]-11-[19]-3-6- ; 58   
5. 194503, Sandy Beatty, LYC/RCYC, 10-11-[22]-12-5-2-9-2-14-[49/BFD]-4-9- ; 78   
6. 188125, Alexander Fritz, Royal Vanc YC, 5-9-[23]-5-11-[18]-15-4-5-12-8-10- ; 84   
7. 199992, Fillah Karim, royal Vancouver Yacht Club, 3-[49/BFD]-18-[49/BFD]-6-13-20-13-2-17-1-2- ; 95   
8. 193995, Nathan Dunn, RNSYS, 12-10-8-11-[24]-15-17-[49/OCS]-3-1-12-7- ; 96   
9. 199991, Graham Harney, RVYC, 11-12-7-9-[17]-10-11-11-[19]-14-11-3- ; 99   
10. 192029, Will Jones, RNSYS, 15-2-5-4-36-14-7-[49/OCS]-8-6-13-[49/OCS]- ; 110   
11. 195591, Violet Stafford, KYC/RCYC, 9-4-14-7-12-20-6-17-7-21-[49/OCS]-[27]- ; 117   
12. 200160, Robert Lalonde, FBYC, 14-[25]-10-[49/BFD]-3-12-18-8-21-5-23-16- ; 130T   
13. 199149, Forrest Wachholz, BYC/KYC, 17-[22]-20-15-4-8-5-16-[33]-15-16-14- ; 130T   
14. 198385, Adrian Vlasic, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, [49/BFD]-6-1-10-16-9-12-18-16-30-14-[49/OCS]- ; 132   
15. 196087, Ross Murdoch, KYC, 13-5-17-14-15-7-22-[25]-[28]-3-21-21- ; 138   
16. 195628, Rebecca Abelson, Royal Saint Lawrence yacht club, [49/BFD]-[49/BFD]-6-3-21-1-10-49/DNC-34-10-6-11- ; 151T   
17. 173283, CONNOR MCNEIL, Frenchman's Bay, 6-16-9-18-20-[49/OCS]-[34]-14-10-16-19-23- ; 151T   
18. CAN 199752, Reece Myerscough, Royal Victoria Yacht Club, 25-19-19-13-9-16-24-[35]-4-[49/BFD]-17-13- ; 159   
19. 184580, Meghan Henneberry, Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron, 16-13-25-16-13-5-19-[37]-37-[49/BFD]-7-19- ; 170   
20. 193295, Matti Muru, PCYC, 1-17-12-[49/BFD]-18-17-25-15-[49/OCS]-49/BFD-15-4- ; 173   
21. 199599, Finn Griggs, Glenmore Sailing Club, 18-20-11-8-[22]-21-21-22-18-22-[24]-18- ; 179   
22. 191912, Rae-Anne Norwood, GRYC/NSC, 20-15-21-[49/BFD]-14-22-3-27-17-[28]-22-20- ; 181   
23. 199926, Ellie Shaw, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, 7-28-15-22-39-[49/OCS]-14-[49/OCS]-22-26-2-8- ; 183   
24. 201223, Miranda MacGillivray, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, [30]-24-13-19-19-28-16-12-[29]-13-26-17- ; 187   
25. 203632, coralie Vittecoq, HYC, 24-30-[37]-20-23-29-[32]-9-12-20-20-15- ; 202   
26. 194233, Michael Jenkins, Nepean Sailing Club, [29]-29-27-17-10-25-27-21-[41]-18-18-25- ; 217   
27. can 201291, Philippe Pasquin, DEUX MONTAGNES, 32-32-33-[49/BFD]-29-39-28-1-15-7-25-[40]- ; 241   
28. 200128, Nick Orsoni-Wiemer, Royal St-Lawrence, 21-38-36-[49/BFD]-26-30-[40]-5-20-2-31-33- ; 242   
29. 46040, Mark McGugan, Nepean Sailing Club, 28-27-29-21-25-[49/OCS]-35-23-13-23-[49/OCS]-26- ; 250   
30. 196035, Duncan Cameron-Steinke, Etobicoke Yacht Club, 22-23-39-[49/BFD]-28-19-26-15/NOR 8.1*-24-24-[49/OCS]-32- ; 252   
31. 184429, arthur daignault, cnbb, 23-7-35-24-34-11-30-28-[39]-34-27-[36]- ; 253   
32. CAN193371, Nicolas St-Onge, Club de voile Deux Montagnes, 19-18-24-[49/BFD]-[40]-31-13-26-26-29-34-39- ; 259   
33. 195906, Emma Williams, VBYC, [49/BFD]-26-30-23-30-26-[36]-32-31-27-28-22- ; 275   
34. 199716, Jake Cullen, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, [49/BFD]-40-26-28-38-23-37-3-30-[49/BFD]-32-31- ; 288T   
35. 167290, Paige Nuttall/Andrew Giguere, Royal Lake of the Woods Yacht Club, [49/BFD]-21-31-26-27-24-33-34-27-[37]-36-29- ; 288T   
36. 198624, James Donaldson, Royal Van, 35-31-[38]-[49/BFD]-37-27-31-30-32-33-35-24- ; 315   
37. 172921, MICHAEL YOUNG, Gimli yacht club, 27-35-28-27-32-33-23-[49/OCS]-[49/DSQ]-49/BFD-29-35- ; 318   
38. 190047, Simone Larose, Nepean Sailing Club, 31-37-45-[49/BFD]-42-37-[46]-38-23-11-30-28- ; 322   
39. 194615, Ellyn Waschuk, Winnipeg Sailing Centre, 33-36-[43]-31-31-[38]-38-24-36-32-38-30- ; 329   
40. 193977, Hayley Linton, RVanYC, 26-39-32-25-35-35-39-31-35-[49/BFD]-[49/DNF]-37- ; 334   
41. 189527, Ellyn Byrns, BSSC, 38-[49/BFD]-42-30-[43]-32-41-29-40-36-33-34- ; 355   
42. 2001470, Noah Ferravotto, Saskatoon Sailing Club, 37-41-41-[49/BFD]-44-36-[45]-33-25-25-37-41- ; 360   
43. 187638, Adam Sorensen, COSA, 34-33-40-[49/BFD]-41-34-29-36-38-35-[49/OCS]-49/OCS- ; 369   
44. 198364, Hunter Kristjansson, Royal Lake of the Woods Yacht Club, 39-42-[47]-32-[45]-40-42-41-42-31-41-43- ; 393   
45. 189659, Tannis Kemp, Battlefords Sailing Club, 41-[44]-44-29-[46]-41-43-40-44-39-39-44- ; 404T   
46. 131632, Hanny Buitenwerf, Calgary Yacht Club, 36-34-34-[49/DNC]-33-[49/DNC]-49/DNC-39-43-49/DNC-49/DNC-38- ; 404T   
47. 182073, Luke Boguski, Gimli Yacht Club, 40-43-[46]-33-[47]-42-44-42-45-38-40-42- ; 409   
48. 181870, Douglas Buttigieg, RCYC, [49/DNC]-[49/DNC]-49/DNC-49/DNC-49/DNC-49/DNC-49/DNC-49/DNC-49/DNC-49/DNC-49/DNC-49/DNC- ; 490   

Laser 4.7 (Open) (6 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 12 races scored

Information is final.
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, September 01, 2012 1:28:49 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 118758, Heather Boyle, Pelican Yacht Club Manitoba, 2-2-1-4-[5]-4-1-1-2-1-[6]-5- ; 23   
2. 70117, Daly Penner, Gimli Yacht Club, [5]-3-2-1-3-3-3-2-3-2-[4]-2- ; 24   
3. 8, Connor Boyle, Pelican Yacht Club Manitoba, 1-1-4-2-1-1/Tie*-[5]-5-[6]-5-3-3- ; 26   
4. 123, Brennan Agar, WestHawk Lake, 3-4-3-[5]-2-1/Tie*-4-4-1-4-2-[6]- ; 28   
5. 124, Molly Ingenmey, VBYC, 4-5-5-3-4-5-[6]-3-5-[6]-5-1- ; 40   
6. 7, Nicolas Oterello, Club de Voile Deux Montagnes, [7/DNC]-[7/DNC]-7/DNC-7/DNF-7/DNC-7/DNC-2-7/DSQ-4-3-1-4- ; 49   

Club 420 (Open) (16 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 12 races scored

Information is final.
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, September 01, 2012 1:30:18 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 6412, Allie Surrette/Ali ten Hove, RNSYS, 1-2-[3]-[17/OCS]-1-1-3-2-2-1-2-1- ; 16   
2. 6494, Berg Ellemers/Owen Dunkley, Kingston Yacht Club, 2-[3]-2-2-2-3-[4]-1-1-2-3-2- ; 20   
3. 6827, Jake Megaffin/John Alexander Sapp, RNSYS, 3-1-1-1-3-[4]-2-[4]-4-4-1-3- ; 23   
4. CAN5788, Max Flinn/Henry Machum, RNSYS, 4-4-[17/BFD]-4-4-2-1-3-3-[5]-4-4- ; 33   
5. 6729, Christopher Volkers/Stewart Clark, Sea Cadets Pacific, 5-5-4-3-5-5-[9]-[6]-6-3-5-6- ; 47   
6. 56, Nathan Lafrance-Berger/Antoine Pacarar, RstLYC, 6-6-5-5-[7]-6-6-[7]-5-6-7-7- ; 59   
7. 6735, Tanner Siemens/Adam Rusnak, Prairie Region Yacht Club, [7]-[7]-7-6-6-7-5-5-7-7-6-5- ; 61   
8. 6730, Dennis Roberts/Riis Ingalls, Sea Cadets Pacific, 8-8-8-9-8-8-7-8-8-9-[10]-[12]- ; 81   
9. 6775, Katrina Thrussell/Samantha Philion, PRYC, 11-10-6-7-10-[14]-[17/DNF]-9-9-8-8-8- ; 86   
10. 6777, Josh Brown/Andrew Greene, Prairie Region Yacht Club, [12]-[12]-9-12-11-11-8-12-10-10-9-9- ; 101   
11. 6776, Emily Roberts/Brandon Piper, Sea Cadets Pacific, 9-11-10-10-[14]-10-10-[14]-12-13-11-11- ; 107   
12. 6736, Adam Read/Italo Borrelli, Prairie Region Yacht Club, [14]-[13]-13-8-12-12-12-10-11-11-12-10- ; 111   
13. 6728, Cameron Elliott/Kaleb Fitzsimmons, Sea Cadets Pacific, [13]-[17/OCS]-11-11-9-9-11-13-13-12-13-13- ; 115   
14. 4116, Keenan Stewart/Graham Moll, Royal Lake of the Woods Yacht Club, 10-9-12-13-13-13-13-11-14-14-[17/DNF]-[17/DNC]- ; 122   
15. 6583, Morgan Morash/Riley Morash, HSC, [17/DNC]-[17/DNC]-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC- ; 170T   
16. 11995, Kieran Whalen-Hughes/Laura Norwood, NSC, [17/DNC]-[17/DNC]-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC-17/DNC- ; 170T   

29er (Open) (13 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 16 races scored

Information is final.
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, September 01, 2012 2:33:24 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. CAN 663, Frédérique Tougas/Florence Pépin-Delhaes, PCYC/CVL, 1-1-[14/OCS]-2-2-2-1-2-2-3-2-2-6-2-[9]-5- ; 33   
2. 1420, Devan Dube/Greg Simms, RNSYS, 5-4-2-3-1-3-[7]-1-1-[10]-7-3-1-1-6-6- ; 44   
3. 241, Jean-Matthieu Bolland/Ben Strickland, KYC, 7-6-[14/OCS]-1-4-1-3-3-3-1-[9]-6-5-3-1-1- ; 45   
4. 452, Stephane Vinet/Sophie-Andree Vinet, PCYC, 2-2-3-5-5-4-[10]-[9]-4-5-5-4-3-5-8-7- ; 62   
5. CAN 423, Rachel Spinelli/Aurora Gordon, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, 4-[8]-5-7-6-5-[11]-5-8-7-3-1-2-4-5-4- ; 66   
6. CAN252, Sean Kayser/Cameron Sawyer, Kingston Yacht Club, 6-3-1-4-3-[9]-8-8-[10]-8-1-5-7-7-4-3- ; 68   
7. CA1453, Linor Berezin/Katherine McEwen, ABYC, 3-5-[14/DSQ]-8-8-6-4-4-5-[9]-6-7-4-6-3-2- ; 71   
8. 1474, Fred Scott/Aidan Ross, Kingston Yacht Club, 8-7-4-6-7-7-2-7-6-6-4-[9]-9-8-[10]-9- ; 90   
9. 678, Sophie Papp/Maddy Innes, RVicYC, 9-9-8-9-10-8-[12]-6-9-4-10-8-8-9-7-[14/OCS]- ; 114   
10. 4, Alana Tacy/Arkus Fredriksson, Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, 10-11-10-10-9-[14/DNF]-6-10-7-2-8-11-10-[13]-11-8- ; 123   
11. 1263, lloyd lyall/andrew Moreno, ROYAL VANCOUVER YC, 11-[13]-7-12-[14/DSQ]-11-13-13-11-11-11-10-11-11-2-10- ; 144   
12. CAN1425, Andrew Hodgson/Fielding Phillips, RCYC, [12]-10-6-11-12-12-9-12-12-12-[13]-12-12-10-12-12- ; 154   
13. 657, Harrison Jones/Mackenzie Rubert, Gimli yacht club, [14/DNC]-12-9-[13]-11-10-5-11-13-13-12-13-13-12-13-11- ; 158   

BIC 293 (Open) (8 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 13 races scored

Information is final.
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, September 01, 2012 2:28:06 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. can30, fannie de alcala, club de voile des deux montagnes, [4]-1-1-1-[2]-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1- ; 12   
2. CAN 29, Gabriel Verrier-Paquette, CVDM, 2-2-2-2-1-1-2-3-3-[4]-3-[4]-2- ; 23   
3. CAN911, Olivia Mew, Toronto Windsurfing Club, 3-3-3-[4]-3-3-[4]-4-2-2-2-2-3- ; 30   
4. CAN90, Artem Lavrynenko, TWC, 1-4-5-3-4-4-3-5-[6]-3-4-[6]-5- ; 41   
5. 217, Roy Itzhaki, twc-toronto windsurfing club, 5-[6]-4-6-5-5-5-6-5-[9/RAF]-5-5-4- ; 55   
6. 331, Zane Feder, Toronto, 7-7-[9/DNS]-5-6-6-6-8-7-[9/RAF]-6-3-6- ; 67   
7. CAN 33, Jamie Keltz, Toronto Windsurfing Club, 6-5-6-7-[9/DNC]-[9/DNC]-9/DNC-2-4-5-9/DNC-9/DNC-9/DNC- ; 71   
8. 1, Greg Jackson, Calgary Yacht Club, [9/DNF]-[9/DNS]-9/DNS-9/DNC-9/DNC-9/DNC-9/DNC-7-9/DNF-9/DNC-9/DNC-9/DNC-9/DNC- ; 97   

Scoring System is RRS Low Point 2017-2020

- Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts
- Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Information is final.

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