2012 AYC Summer Series
Austin Yacht Club |

SC 21 (12 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 8 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:53:25 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 166, , Ray Shull, AYC, [1]-[3]-1-1-1-1-1-1- ; 6   
2. 169, Rogue Warrior, Bruce McDonald, AYC, 2-2-2-[5]-[3]-2-2-2- ; 12   
3. 149, Intimidator, John Burke, Austin Yacht Club, 5/DNC-1-3-2-2-4/DNS-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]- ; 17   
4. 163, , Bob Musselman, AYC, [5/DNC]-4-[5]-4-5-3-3-3- ; 22   
5. 161, Cloud 9, Carl Wiseman, AYC, 3-5-[7]-6-[8/DNC]-5/DNC-4-4- ; 27   
6. 160, BLT, Keith Lackey, AYC, 5/DNC-[7/DNC]-4-3-[8/DNC]-5/DNC-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 29   
7. 150, Gone Coastal, Tom Meyer, Austin Yacht Club, 5/DNC-7/DNC-[9/DNC]-[8/DNC]-4-4/DNS-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 32   
8. 101, , Derek Smigelski, AYC, 5/DNC-7/DNC-[9/DNC]-[8/DNC]-6-4/DNS-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 34   
9. 137, Pog Mo Thoin, Scott Walsh, Member, 5/DNC-7/DNC-6-[8/DNC]-[8/DNC]-5/DNC-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 35   
10. 144, EVENFLOW, HUGH ROBERTSON, AYC, 5/DNC-7/DNC-[9/DNC]-[8/DNC]-8/DNC-5/DNC-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 37T   
11. 124, For Sale, Robert Stivers, AYC, 5/DNC-7/DNC-[9/DNC]-[8/DNC]-8/DNC-5/DNC-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 37T   
12. 153, Yankidi, Scott Bryan, AYC, 5/DNC-7/DNC-[9/DNC]-[8/DNC]-8/DNC-5/DNC-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 37T   

J/22 (6 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 8 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Sunday, June 10, 2012 11:06:24 AM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 1235, , John Halter, Austin Yacht Club, 1-1-1-1-1-[4]-[4]-1- ; 6   
2. 984, Goldilocks, Renee Ruais, AYC, 2-2-[5/DNC]-[5/DNC]-3-1-1-2- ; 11   
3. 753, Riff Raff, Bruce Uphaus, Austin YC, [4/DNC]-[4/DNC]-2-2-2-2-2-3- ; 13   
4. 893, Toy Monster, Jimmy Cain, AYC, 4/DNC-4/DNC-5/DNC-5/DNC-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]-3-4- ; 25T   
5. 621, crash course, rosanne butera, senior member, 4/DNC-4/DNC-5/DNC-5/DNC-4-3-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]- ; 25T   
6. 325, , Christopher Dwight, AYC, 4/DNC-4/DNC-3-3-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 26   

J/24 (6 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 8 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:53:25 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 2380, Superman, David Broadway, AYC, 2-1-[3/DNC]-[3/DNC]-1-1-1-1- ; 7   
2. 1997, Out of Control, stephen burke, AYC, [5/DNC]-[6/DNC]-1-1-2-2-4/DNC-4/DNC- ; 14   
3. 3358, Free Spirit, John Parker, AYC, [3]-[4]-3/DNC-3/DNC-3-3-2-2- ; 16   
4. 2018, AmmoBox, Joe Mancuso, ayc, 1-2-3/DNC-3/DNC-[5/DNC]-[6/DNC]-4/DNC-4/DNC- ; 17   
5. 1444, ooh Ahh, David Gamble, AYC, 4/DNF-3-3/DNC-3/DNC-[5/DNC]-[6/DNC]-4/DNC-4/DNC- ; 21   
6. 923, Fergie, Jorge Martin-de-Nicolas, AYC, [5/DNC]-[6/DNC]-3/DNC-3/DNC-4/DNF-4-4/DNC-4/DNC- ; 22   

Catalina 22 (6 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 10 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:53:25 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 9328, Mojo, Ted Owens, AYC, 2-4/DNC-4/DNC-5/DNC-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]-1-1-1-1- ; 19   
2. 13622, Strings Attached, Johannes Brinkmann, AYC, 4/DNC-1-1-1-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]-5/DNC-5/DNC-2-2- ; 21   
3. 15563, Bebopalula, John Grzinich, Austin Yacht Club, [4/DNC]-4/DNC-4/DNC-[5/DNC]-2-2-2-2-4-4- ; 24   
4. 752, Dry Heave, Wade Bingaman, AYC, 4/DNC-4/DNC-4/DNC-[5/DNC]-1-1-[5/DNC]-5/DNC-3-3- ; 25T   
5. 9802, Chiliverde, Steve Shepardson, AYC, 4/DNC-4/DNC-3/DNS-2-3-3-3-3-[5]-[5]- ; 25T   
6. 5792, BeBop, Brett Wilson, AYC, 1-2-2-3-4-4-5/DNC-5/DNC-[6]-[6]- ; 26   

Ensign (6 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 10 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, June 16, 2012 4:53:25 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 1358, Gravy Boat, Danny Lien, Austin Yacht Club, 1-1-[4/DNC]-[4/DNC]-1-1-1-3-1-3- ; 12   
2. 578, , Tom Groll, Austin Yacht Cub, [5/DNC]-[5/DNC]-2-1-2-2-3/RAF-2-3-2- ; 17   
3. 773, eagle, Homer arnold, austin yacht club, 2-3-4/DNC-4/DNC-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]-2-1-4-1- ; 21   
4. 929, Dos Locos, Lewis Price, Austin Yacht Club, 3-2-4/DNC-4/DNC-3-3-4/DNC-5/DNC-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]- ; 28   
5. 1068, Festina Lente, Randolph Bertin, Austin Yacht Club, [5/DNC]-[5/DNC]-4/DNC-4/DNC-4-4-4/DNC-5/DNC-2-4- ; 31   
6. 810, Prime Time, Elliott Bray, AYC, 5/DNC-5/DNC-1-2-[6/DNC]-[6/DNC]-4/DNC-5/DNC-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 34   

PHRF A (8 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 5 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:04:43 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 178, Coyote, Brigitte Rochard, Austin Yacht Club, 5/DNC-[7/DNC]-2-1-1- ; 9   
2. 486, Restless, Larry Ratliff, AYC, 5/DNC-[7/DNC]-1-2-2- ; 10   
3. 1319, Jackrabbit, Claude Welles, AYC, 2-2-5/DNC-[6/DNC]-3- ; 12   
4. 490, Wild Hare, Brent Schwan, Austin Yacht Club, 3-3-[5/DNC]-3-4- ; 13   
5. 102, Silverwind, Gregory Scully, AYC, 4/DNF-5-3-4-[6/DNC]- ; 16   
6. 1320, Speed Racer, John Bartlett, AYC, 5/DNC-1-5/DNC-[6/DNC]-6/DNC- ; 17   
7. 59, Flash Mob, Shawn Walsh, AYC, 1-[7/DNC]-5/DNC-6/DNC-6/DNC- ; 18   
8. 113, Jammin, Rob Stivers, AYC, 5/DNC-4-5/DNC-[6/DNC]-6/DNC- ; 20   

PHRF B (5 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 4 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:04:43 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 54, Far Away, Linda Donovan, AYC, [6/DNC]-2-1-1- ; 4   
2. 32388, Shocker, Chris Hargett, Austin Yacht Club, 1-1-[4/DNC]-4/DNC- ; 6T   
3. 1927, Ornery, John Maddalozzo, Austin Yacht Club, 2-[4/DNC]-2-2- ; 6T   
4. 10, Que Pasa, Bill Boas, Austin Yacht Club, 3-[4/DNC]-4/DNC-4/DNC- ; 11   
5. 20, Sweet Agony, Brad Kocen, AYC, [4]-4/DNC-4/DNC-4/DNC- ; 12   

Non-Spin C (7 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 4 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:04:43 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 83, Overkeel, Damon GALLOWAY, AYC, [5/DNC]-1-1-1- ; 3   
2. 65, S2Pendo, Jim Johnstone, AYC, 2-[4/DNC]-3-2- ; 7   
3. 5256, Hakuna Matata, Trey Am Rhein, AYC, [5/DNC]-2-2-4- ; 8   
4. 246, Warrior, Jim Henrickson, AYC, 1-4/DNC-[5/DNC]-5- ; 10T   
5. 224, Aphaia, Dane Ohe, AYC, 3-4/DNC-[5/DNC]-3- ; 10T   
6. 4744, Zendo, Todd Bankler, Austin Yacht Club, 5/DNC-4/DNC-5/DNC-[7/DNC]- ; 14T   
7. 3388, Endorfin, Steve Ehlers, AYC, 5/DNC-4/DNC-5/DNC-[7/DNC]- ; 14T   

Non-Spin D (5 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 2 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Sunday, June 10, 2012 12:06:23 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 206, John Mark Bradford, Mark Bradford, John Mark Bradford, 2/DNC-1- ; 3   
2. 127, , Bill Benker, AYC, 2/DNF-2- ; 4   
3. 10256, Kati-B, Michael Tilley, AYC, 2/DNC-4/DNC- ; 6T   
4. 739, , Ken Jolly, AYC, 2/DNC-4/DNC- ; 6T   
5. 94, Three Hour Crewz, Chris Thompson, AYC, 2/DNC-4/DNC- ; 6T   

Multihull (2 boats) (top)
Series Standing - 4 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results last updated: Saturday, June 16, 2012 5:04:43 PM CDT
Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Pos,Sail, Boat, Skipper, Yacht Club, Results, Total Points
1. 30, Tritium, Steve Frick, AYC, 1-[3/DNC]-1-1- ; 3   
2. 22, Swallow, john kuc, Austin Yacht Club, [3/DNC]-1-2-3/DNC- ; 6   

Scoring System is RRS Low Point 2017-2020

- Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts
- Click on race number to view detailed race information.

Information is provisional and subject to modification

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