Registrants For
2016 Geary Decker Navigator's Race
Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club

July 17, 2016
12 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. robert kneller
AHYC none Christina Lee Non-Spin / - ODay / 35 150 07/16/2016
2. Greg Dalton
AHYC - Colleen Marie Non-Spin / - - / Robinhood 36 180 07/16/2016
3. Jack Glass
AHYC 260 Corsair Non-Spin / - - / Sabre 362 123 07/16/2016
4. Brian Gillen
AHYC 320 Latitude Non-Spin / - Mason / Cruising 153 07/16/2016
5. Anthony Setaro
AHYC 2215 Serenata Non-Spin / - Catalina / 36 MKII 162 07/15/2016
6. Al Zager
AHYC None Shamayim Non-Spin / - North Castle Marine (Gozzard) / 36 foot 165 07/14/2016
7. Robert Marich
AHYC 73011 Twin Lights Non-Spin / - Sabre / 36 CB 135 07/16/2016
8. Richard Herbst
AHYC 283 Wave Dancer Non-Spin / - Hinterhoelter / Nonsuch 30 Ultra 177 07/14/2016

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. George Tay
AHYC 51992 Cosmo Spin / - J Boats / J 109 66 07/14/2016
2. Arthur Topilow
AHYC 472 Doctor Jazz Spin / - J boats / J/105 93 07/15/2016
3. John Sampson
Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club 88 Flight Risk Spin / - Corsair / Corsair 31 -35 07/16/2016
4. Dennis Ziemba
SHBCC 120 Moonshine Spin / - Nacra / Carbon 20 FCS -50 07/16/2016

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