Registrants For
2021 SBYC Spring Regatta

March 27-28, 2021
30 people have registered for this event

Harbor 20
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Caroline Kavanagh
SBSC 189 FireFly Harbor 20 / - Schock / Harbor 20 - 03/28/2021
2. William Hahn
SBYC 159 Fling Harbor 20 / - Schock / Harbor 20 216 03/27/2021
3. rich miller
Paul Lemert
santa barbara Yacht Club 35 iiCardremmian Harbor 20 / - Schock / Harbor 20 - 03/26/2021
4. Geoffrey Slaff
SBYC 338 Pleione II Harbor 20 / - Schock / H20 - 03/24/2021
5. Lee Cushman
SBYC 383 SOD Harbor 20 / - Schock / Harbor 20 - 03/15/2021
6. Alex Ivory
Greg Hopkins
Sbyc 263 Tachytoo Harbor 20 / - Schock / Harbor 20 216 03/28/2021

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. John Glanville
Kathrin Wagner, Hans Brand, Kent Pierce
SBYC 524 ESCAPADE J/105 / - J Boat / J 105 - 03/23/2021

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Kenny Kieding
John Vincent
Santa Barbara YC USA 89 ARGO 3 J/111 / - J/Boats / J/111 42 03/18/2021
2. Bernard Girod
Santa Barbara 7311 Rock & Roll J/111 / - J-Boats / J111 42 03/03/2021

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Pat Toole
SBYC 58 3 Big dogs J/70 / - J Boats / J70 - 03/27/2021
2. Scott Deardorff
Santa Barbara YC 351 CAKE J/70 / - J/70 / J/70 114 03/04/2021
3. Michael Ghens
SBYC 1036 Escape J/70 / - J-Boats / j/70 114 03/10/2021
4. John McCaffery
John McCaffery
Santa Barbara YC 1514 Magic Carpet Ride J/70 / - J Boats / J70 114 03/23/2021
5. Ole Eichhorn
Leasha Barry
SBYC 850 Mojito J/70 / - Johnstone Boats / J/70 114 03/22/2021
6. Thomas Tunberg
SBYC 328 Namaste J/70 / - J Boats / J70 114 03/23/2021
7. Mike Wolfe
Mike Wolfe
SBSC 352 Shark J/70 / - J Boats / J70 114 03/23/2021

Melges 24
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Kent Pierce
Eric Stokke
SBYC USA 549 Average Melges 24 / - Melges / Melges 24 90 03/27/2021
2. Manfred Schmiedl
SYC 620 Brio Melges 24 / - Melges / Melges 24 90 03/23/2021
3. William Lannan
Ed Schifferns
SBYC 556 Cleanup On Aisle 45 Melges 24 / - Melges / Melges 24 90 03/27/2021
4. Geoff Mcfarland
Santa Barbara Yacht Club USA 244 Cock fight Melges 24 / - MBW / Melges 24 90 03/04/2021
5. Mocolinos -
Santa Barbara Yacht Club USA 524 Mocos Melges 24 / - - / Melges 24 90 03/24/2021
6. Vernon Vincent
Hanna Vincent
SBYC 301 Shiokaze Melges 24 / - Melges / 24 - 03/22/2021

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Ken Kieding
John Vincent
Sbyc 89 Argo 3 PHRF A / - J boats / j/111 42 03/27/2021
2. Bernie Girod
Sbyc 7311 Rock & Roll PHRF A / - J boats / j/111 42 03/27/2021
3. dr laura schlessinger
sbyc 7125 WARRIOR PHRF A / - j boats / j125 3 03/26/2021

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Lander Nicolait
SBYC 368 CatNip PHRF B / - J / J80 126 03/08/2021
2. Vance Newell
SBYC 87646 Epic PHRF B / - Vance Newell / Laser 28 132 03/23/2021
3. Doug Stelck
Morgan Crowe
SBYC 7128 Jib & Tonic PHRF B / - J/Boats / J/100M 72 03/03/2021
4. Jim Muir
SBYC 57145 Sprite PHRF B / - RS Sailing / RS 21 120 03/26/2021
5. Larry Leveille
SBYC 87694 Uncle Bob PHRF B / - Larry Leveille / Schock 35 72 03/24/2021

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