Registrants For
US SAILING Championship of Champions
Mission Bay Yacht Club

October 17-22, 2007
19 people have registered for this event

US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Ryan Staszko
Linda Epstein
210 - Stas US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Cohasset, Ma Cohasset Yacht Club
2. Sam Williams
Patrick Mignon
420 - Will US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Summit, NJ Bay Head Yacht Club
3. Michael Moulthrop
Andrew Viens
Blue Jay - Mo US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Middlebury, CT Niantic Bay Yacht Club
4. Talbott Ingram
Carol Lee Ingram
Comet - Ing US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Fair Haven, New Jersey Shrewsbury Sailing & Yacht Club
5. Andrew Casey
Molly Jackson
Finn - Cas US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Fountain Valley, CA Team LYRA
6. Jeff Linton
Alan Capellin
Flying Scot - Lin US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Tampa, FL Davis Island Yacht Club
7. Fred Meno
Cragan Smith
Force5 - Meno US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Fort Worth, Texas Fort Worth Boat Club
8. Carolyn Howe
Mischa Heemskerk
Formula18 - How US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Grosse Pointe, MI Grosse Pointe/ Bayview Yacht Club
9. Shane Olney
Chris Dorsey
Ideal 18 - Oln US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Rochester, New York Rochester Yacht Club
10. Kyle Rogachenko
Alissa Ayres
Laser Radial - Rog US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Collegeville, PA Toms River Yacht Club
11. Colin Smith
Leandro Spina
Laser Radial - Smi US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Lauderdale Yacht Club
12. Matthew Burridge
Paul Hanson
Lightning - Burr US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
St. Louis, MO Carlyle Sailing Association
13. Rowan Fennell
Aine McLean
Moore24 - Fenn US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Sausalito, CA Richmond Yacht Club
14. Jake LaDow
Nick Kaschak
Sabot - LaD US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
San Diego, CA San Diego Yacht Club
15. Ernesto Rodriguez
Megan Place
Snipe - Rod US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
miami lakes, fl na
16. Jerry Thompson
Mandi Smith
Snipe - Thom US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Long Beach, Ca Alamitos Bay YC
17. Augie Diaz
Michele Sumpton
Snipe - Dia US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Miami, FL Coral Reef Yacht Club
18. Richard Tillman
Gus Wirtz
Sunfish - Till US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Syracuse, iN Wawasee YC, Syracuse, IN
19. Charles Higgins
Jenica Ryan
Vanguard15 - Hig US SAILING CofC - (Snipe)
Garden City, New York Fort Worth Boat Club

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