Registrants For
Buzzards Bay Regatta 2012

August 03-05, 2012
408 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Elizabeth Mignon
Charlotte List
- - 5266 420
Short Hills, NJ Bay Head Yacht Club
2. Charlie Lalumiere
Elizabeth Pemberton
- - 6266 420
Falmouth, Maine Portland Yacht Club
3. Roger Dorr
Matthew Lyons
- - 5651 420
Sands Point, NY Port Washington Yacht Club
4. Chase Quinn
John Cannistraro
- - 6558 420
Centerville, MA Wianno Yacht Club
5. Karun Koppula

- - ? 420
Chicago, Illinois Chicago Yacht Club
6. Ellis Price
Graham Allen
- - 6214 420
Freeport, ME Harraseeket Yacht Club
7. Christina Sakellaris
Sonia Lingos-Utley
- - 6701 420
Milton, MA Sail Newport
8. Cooper Nefsky
Willa Cassidy-Gardner
- - 6687 420
Orient, New York Orient Yacht Club
9. Scott Barbano
Mike Kaplon
- - 6097 420
Cranbury, NJ Brant Beach YC
10. Michael Houllahan
Michael Fries
- - 61 420
Winchester, Massachusetts Winchester Boat Club
11. Stephenson Lee
Bailey Lee
- - 6346 420
Medford, MA Chapoquoit Yacht Club
12. Hannah Polster
Andrew Reed
- - 5977 420
Arnold, MD - Maryland Severn Sailing Association (SSA)
13. Andrew Schoene
Matthew Schoene
- - 6392 420
Annapolis, MD Severn Sailing Association
14. Sophie Pesek
Tatiana Chiu
- - 8699 420
Osterville, MA Wianno Yacht Club
15. Julia Downey
Maggie Bartlett
- - 1108 2 420
Osterville, MA Wianno Yacht Club
16. Jack Gerli
Meg Gerli
- - 5964 420
Greenwich, Ct Mantoloking Yacht Club/LISOT
17. Billy Baxter
Chris Keller
- - 6205 420
Riverside, CT Riverside Yacht Club
18. Lucas Martz
Cameron Shaw
- - 4714 420
Manchester, Massachusets MSA
19. Bridget Clarke
Karl Forst
- - 5663 420
Southport, CT Pequot Yacht Club
20. Emily Fung
Kylie Zahringer
- - 6011 420
Rye, NY American Yacht Club
21. Sarah Jackson
Robert McKenney
- - 6398 420
Annapolis, MD Severn Sailing Association
22. Jake Megaffin
Alexander Sapp
- - CAN 6827 420
Halifax, Nova Scotia RNSYS
23. Allyson Plessner
Sarah Newstein
- - 2860 420
Cataumet, Massachusetts Buzzards Yacht Club
24. Allyson Donahue
Madelynn Widmeier
- - 5251 420
Brigantine, NJ Brigantine Yacht Club
25. Russell Clarida
Tristan Sess
- - 6300 420
southport, ct Pequot Yacht Club
26. Megan MacKinnon
Arron Klien
- - 6552 420
duxbury, ma Duxbury Bay Maritime School
27. Nicholas Mehlman
Antonia Rerisi
- - 3830 420
Farmington, CT Manchester Sailing Association
28. Sean Cornell
Peter Sterflinger
- - 4590 420
Centerport, New York Centerport Yacht Club
29. Noah Kelleher
Sarah Kelleher
- - 6684 420
Upton, MA Brenton Cove/Sail Newport
30. Hanno Kite-Powell
Sydney Connor
- - 6554 420
Duxbury, MA Duxbury Bay Maritime School
31. Amina Brown
Casey Brown
- - 2882 420
jamestown, Rhode Island JYC
32. Jonathan Baker

- - 5015 420
Marblehead, MA Pleon Yacht Club
33. Madeline Foote
Sarah Leonard
- - 6614 420
Duxbury, Ma DBMS
34. Anna Huebschmann
Lucy Adams
- - 3123 420
youngstown, new york youngstown yacht club
35. Clayton Sasaki
Anna Morin
- - 6906 420
Falmouth, ME Portland Yacht Club
36. Forrest Short
Sophie Kerr
- - 5865 420
La Porte, TX Houston Yacht Club
37. Scott Calnan
Rebecca Corliss
- - 6264 420
Scituate, MA Scituate Harbor YC-Hyannis YC
38. Kyle Comerford
Liam Harr
- - 5889 420
Annapolis, Maryland Annapolis Yacht Club
39. Matt Kaplan
Nick McElroy
- - 4109 420
Larchmont, NY Larchmont YC
40. Jay Spector

- - 5430 420
FARMINGTON, CT - Connecticut Madison Beach Club
41. Holly Lewin-LaFrance
Taylor Shaw
- - 6828 420
Chester, Nova Scotia RNSYS
42. Allison Ferraris
Tara Ferraris
- - 6625 420
Manhasset, New York Orient Yacht Club
43. Anders Ekholm
Catlin McGoldrick
- - 6253 420
Excelsior, MN Minnetonka Yacht Club
44. Quinn Andersen
Ethan Andersen
- - 6118 420
Rockport, MA MSA
45. Luke Andersen
James Collins
- - 6117 420
rockport, ma Manchester Sailing Association
46. Sarah Hermus
Megan Barden
- - 2079 420
Bellport, New York Bellport Bay Yacht Club
47. Luigi Trenti Paroli
Paolo Safina
- - 6622 420
New York, NY Orient Yacht Club
48. Kennedy Placek
Michael Hasson
- - 6383 420
Mill Valley, CA San Francisco Yacht Club
49. Samuel Cushing
Andrew Creighton
- - 4663 420
Essex, MA Manchester Sailing Association
50. Florian Eenkema van Dijk
John Sipp
- - 4772 420
Darien, Connecticut Noroton Yacht Club
51. Andrew Harrington
Belle Strachan
- - 6397 420
Edgewater, Maryland Severn Sailing Association
52. Eliot Caple
Mary Fullerham
- - 6130 420
naples, fl ncsc/st.georges
53. Zach Hill
Gabe Smith
- - 2171 420
Annapolis, MD Severn Sailing Assoc
54. Samuel Creighton
Nathaniel Rautio
- - 4721 420
Manchester, MA - Massachusetts Manchester Sailing Association
55. Alex Jacob
India Johnstone
- - 5494 420
Alexandria, Va Fishing Bay YC/ Tabor Academy
56. Emily Quirke
Haley Shea
- - 5871 420
Rye, NY American Yacht Club
57. Griffin Rolander
Mark Davies
- - 5391 420
Terrace Park, OH Lake Geneva Yacht Club
58. Axel Sly
JP Silvestri
- - 4119 420
Weston, FL Coral Reef Yacht Club
59. Kristopher Swanson
Lucy Wilmot
- - 5433 420
Kentfield, CA San Francisco Yacht Club
60. Amanda Lagattolla
Charlotte Samson
- - 33 420
Palm Harbor, Florida Clearwater Community Sailing Center
61. Morgan Simmonds
Greer Sallick
- - 5655 420
Fairfield, CT Pequot Yacht Club
62. Thomas Walden
William Hundahl
- - ISV702 420
St Thomas, VI STYC / Pleon
63. Stephen Lewis
Jack Dyment
- - 2148 420
Riverside, CT Riverside YC
64. Caroline Neighbors

- - TBD 420
Cataumet, MA Buzzards Yacht Club
65. Cooper Siepert
Tilly Milburn
- - 6905 420
Cape Elizabeth, Maine Portland Yacht Club
66. Vincent Yannelli
Parker Stone
- - 6141 420
woodcliff lake, new jersey Nyack Boat Club
67. MH Johnson

- - TBD 4 420
Nantucket, MA Nantucket YC
68. Adam Keally

- - 1366 420
Milton, Ma CMYC
69. Brendan Read
Johnny Gieseke
- - 6681 420
Middletown, RI Ida Lewis Yacht Club and Sail Newport
70. Allie Surrette
Ali ten hove
- - 6412 420
St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia RNSYS
71. Peggy Kilvert
Meaghan MacRae
- - 6035 420
Nantucket, MA Nantucket YC
72. Andrew Solomon
Nicholas Solomon
- - 4113 420
Carlisle, Massachusetts Cotuit Mosquito Yacht Club
73. Hugh MacGillivray
Islay Petrie
- - 4836 420
Portsmouth, RI Ida Lewis YC/CYC
74. Carolyn Kearney
Tom Slook
- - 309 420
Toms River, NJ Shrewsbury Sailing and Yacht Club
75. Max Simmons
Riley Legault
- - 6120 420
Rowayton, CT Norwalk Yacht Club
76. William Dumke
Sophie Kay
- - 2742 420
Westport, CT Pequot Yacht Club
77. Matthew Homa
Alan McKinna III
- - 6902 420
Marblehead, MA Pleon Yacht Club
78. Miranda Bakos
Dayren Stacey
- - 3289 420
Prides Crossing, MA Pleon Yacht Club
79. Matt Lau-Hansen

- - tbd6 420
Nantucket, MA Nantucket YC
80. John Keally

- - 1306 420
Milton, Ma CMYC
81. Charlie Lomax
Evan Morgan
- - 5790 420
Annapolis, MD Annapolis Yacht Club
82. Nick Sertl
Katja Sertl
- - 6996 420
Rochester, NY Conanicut YC and Rochester YC
83. Jack Cusick
Henry Dumke
- - 5661 420
Fairfield, CT Pequot Yacht Club
84. Jana Gailiunas
Kara Gailiunas
- - tba 420
Osterville, Ma GPYC
85. Bradley Adam
Charles MacBain
- - 6210 420
East Greenwich, Rhode Island East Greenwich Yacht Club/ Sail Newport
86. Nathan Ross
Alex Haim
- - 6428 420
Youngstown, New York -
87. Cameron Holley
Emily Arntsen
- - 4661 420
Manchester, MA MSA
88. Peter Lynn
Lydia Grasberger
- - 3912 420
Marblehead, MA Pleon YC
89. Julia Lambert
Haley McMahon
- - 6437 420
Cumberland Foreside, ME Portand YC
90. Walter Florio
Peter Schneider
- - 6009 420
rye, New York LISOT/AYC
91. Will Crary
Andrew Hed
- - 3333 420
white bear lake, mn White Bear Yacht Club
92. Grace Adam
Carder Stout
- - 6505 420
East Greenwich, RI East Greenwich Yacht Club
93. Curtis Adam
Chris Adam
- - 6249 420
Newport, RI Ida Lewis YC
94. Jack Bitney
Emily Shanley-Roberts
- - 1011 420
Deephaven, MN Minnetonka Yacht Club
95. Walter Johnsen
Lindsay Gimple
- - 6351 420
Stonington, CT shyc
96. Daisy Mayer

- - 6453 420
Greenwich, CT IHYC
97. Alec Stewart
Alex Palfrey
- - 6448 420
Duxbury, MA DBMS
98. Grant DeWald
Sean Healy
- - 6553 420
Duxbury, MA DBMS
99. Jennifer Agell
Julia McKinney
- - 6593 420
Orient, NEW YORK Orient Yacht Club
100. Mary Claire Kiernan
Maddie Loosbrock
- - 6603 420
Hinsdale, Illinois CHicago Yacht Club
101. Augie Dale
Sarah Hannigan
- - 5868 420
Waban, Massachusetts Pewaukee/ NESS
102. Dylan DiMarchi
Reed McDermott
- - 4717 420
Honolulu, HI Portland YC
103. Cally Tullo
Emily Johnson
- - 6153 420
staten Island, nY sandy Hook Bay Catamaran Club
104. Jack Ruggiero
Adam Durrua
- - 6609 420
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ Metedeconk River Yacht Club
105. Elena VandenBerg
Lilli Salvesen
- - 6530 420
Annapolis, MD Annapolis Yacht Club
106. Drew Lorenz
Nicholas Brady
- - 6914 420
Pennington, NJ Haven Beach Club
107. Taylor Ladd
Ian Morgan
- - 6640 420
St. Thomas, VI St. Thomas Yacht Club
108. Carter Pemberton
Carter Simard
- - 6559 420
OSterville, MA WYC
109. Jack Ortel
Austin Ortel
- - 4769 420
Annapolis, MD Annapolis Yacht Club
110. Sam Alexander
Tim Morse
- - 6121 420
Yarmouth, ME Pleon Yacht Club
111. Ian Brown
Andrew Brown
- - 5048 420
Larchmont, New York Larchmont Yacht Club
112. Harrison Hawk
Cailin Oakes
- - 4114 420
Annapolis, MD Annapolis Yacht Club
113. Max Flinn
Andrew Burns
- - CAN5788 420
Chester, Nova Scotia Royal Nova Scoita Yacht Squadron
114. Will Jamieson
Wesley jamieson
- - 6208 420
Greenwich, CT American Yacht Club
115. Holly Tullo
Alex Woloshyn
- - 5884 420
staten Island, nY Sandy Hook Bay Catamaran Club
116. Parker Trepton
Charlie Hollister
- - 6145 420
Oconomowoc, WI LaBelle Yacht Club
117. Taegan Blackwell
Aisling Quirke
- - 4449 420
Fairfield, CT American Yacht Club
118. Thomas Gallagher
Nick Gallagher
- - 6000 420
new york, NY Larchmont YC
119. Ian Coyne
Peter Newstein
2 - 6680 420
pocasset, MA Buzzards Yacht Club
120. KB Knapp
Kyla MacLennan
3196 - 3196 420
Syosset, NY Cold Spring Harbor Beach Club
121. Jared Gaynes
Alexandra DelBello
420 - 6520 420
Rye, NY American Yacht Club
122. Jack Parkin
Camilla Parkin
420 - 6525 420
Riverside, CT Riverside
123. Erin Coyne
Cicely Dahn
5 - 2851 420
Pocasset, MA Buzzards Yacht Club
124. Tatjana Hoesch
Alexa Hoesch
? - 6114 420
-, - Bavaria Yacht Club/Hyannis Yacht Club
125. Sean Walker
Colleen Walker
C420 - 5825 420
Severna Park, MD Annapolis Yacht Club
126. Patrick Floyd
AJ Libby
c420 - 4143 420
Annapolis, MD Annapolis Yacht Club
127. Nick Floyd
Matt Meyers
c420 - 111 420
Annapolis, MD Annapolis Yacht Club
128. Alex Vasiliou
katherine Jones
Chicago Yacht Club - 6641 420
wilmette, illinois Chicago Yacht Club
129. Ben Garber
Sarah Hogg
Jamin - 6204 420
Deephaven, MN Minnetonka yacht Club
130. Eddie Cox

Marvin - 2366 420
White Bear Lake, MN White Bear Yacht Club
131. Nathaniel Johansson
Natalya Doris
Nathaniel Johansson - 11 420
Miami, FL Coral Reef Yacht Club
132. Katie Van Duyne
Lily Graff
no name - 4329 420
Washington, DC Bay Head Yacht Club
133. John Lewis
Philip Dunay
no name - 1348 420
Houston, Texas Riverside Yacht Club
134. Tucker Hersam
Jack Daley
none - 6598 420
Darien, CT Noroton Yacht Club
135. Kevin O'Donnell
Ben Yannelli
Paco the Taco - 4540 420
Wayne, New Jersey Nyack Boat Club
136. Eliza Garry
Aidan Kennedy
Seabiscuit - 3312 420
Marblehead, MA Pleon/DIYC
137. Ty Ingram
Alex King
Tylosaur III - 6602 420
White Plains, NY Larchmont YC/LISOT

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Andrew DeFrias

Blownout - 2657 J24
Dartmouth, MA NBYC
2. Mike Sudofsky

Bob Dylan - 3938 J24
Marion, MA BYC
3. Ann Sager

Caipirinha - 2412 J24
Nantucket, MA Beverly Yacht Club
4. James Ciffolillo

Dark & Stormy - 1009 J24
Mattapoisett, MA Beverly Yacht Club
5. Bonnie Kirchner Katie Collins

FAST FOOD - 93 J24
Marion, MA BYC
6. Travis Odenbach

Honey Badger - 5432 J24
webster, New york RYC
7. Annemarie Fredericks

Miss America - US4093 J24
Mattapoisett, MA Beverly Yacht Club

Popitz Frederique - 3966 J24
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
9. Craig Correia

Queequeg - 4415 J24
Mattapoisett, MA Angelica YC
10. Sanford Tyler

Ripped - 1578 J24
11. Edward Walker

Small Flying Patio Furniture - 533 J24
San Francisco, CA Mosquito YC
12. Peter Quandt

Sprinter - USA 4114 J24
Wayland, MA Beverly YC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Charlie Van Voorhis

Aegir - 487 J80
Mattapoisett, MA FIYC
2. Kristen Robinson

Angry Chameleon - 255 J80
Arnold, MD Eastport YC & Annapolis YC
3. Peter McCarthy

Eagle - 204 J80
North Kingstown, RI ILYC
4. John/ Mark Bentley/ Bear

John Bentley - 483 J80
South Dartmouth, MA New bedford yc
5. Scott Miller

Next Adventure - 406 J80
Lexington, Massachusetts Beverly Yacht Club
6. Jamey Shachoy

Pearly Baker - 146 J80
Marion, MA Beverly
7. Brian Keane

Savasana - 1123 J80
Weston, MA Beverley Yacht Club
8. Nicholas Kotsatos

Warrior - 298 J80
Boston, Massachusetts Beverly YC
9. Henry De Groot

Wired - 808 J80
newton, MA New Bedford

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Douglas Slocum

- - 199160 Laser
Marblehead, Massachusetts Eastern Yacht Club
2. Peter Schwebach

- - 177311 Laser
Mattapoisett, MA -
3. Scott Pakenham

- - 182787 Laser
Apprentice Master
Portsmouth, Ri Laser fleet 413
4. Ronald Thompson

- - 185830 Laser
Greenwich, CT American Yacht Club
5. Jack Largess

- - 160165 Laser
Charlotte, NC North Carolina Community Sailing and Rowing
6. Nick Toselli

- - 197135 Laser
Barrington, RI Conanicut Yacht Club
7. Terence O'Brien

- - 1234 Laser
Eliot, ME Agamenticus Yacht Club
8. Derek Stow

- - 157812 Laser
Grand Master
Tiverton, Rhode Island Laser Fleet 413
9. Fraser Wells

- - 193337 Laser
Rothesay, New Brunswick RNSYS/RYC
10. Daniel DelBello

- - 199185 Laser
Bedford, New York American Yacht Club
11. Bill Dickey

- - 190221 Laser
South Norwalk, CT None
12. Patrick Andreasen

- - 198633 Laser
Marblehead, Massachusetts Eastern YC
13. Geoffrey Loffredo

- - 170093 Laser
Old Westbury, NY Old Cove YC
14. Peter Duncan

- - 183771 Laser
RYE, ny American YC
15. Andrew Reiley

- - 8 Laser
Marblehead, MA Eastern YC
16. Peter Seidenberg

- - 189811 Laser
Great Grand Master
Portsmouth, RI Sail Newport
17. Matt Jaykus

- - 185902 Laser
Stamford, Connecticut Stamford Yacht Club
18. Eric Morrison

- - 13 Laser
York, MAINE Agamenticus YC
19. Jackson Silverstein

- - 199167 Laser
new canaan, ct Indian Harbor Yacht Club
20. James Reynolds

- - 181646 Laser
Barrington, RI Conanicut Yacht Club
21. Mike Matan

- - 193281 Laser
New York, NY RYA
22. David Frazier

- - 161100 Laser
Grand Master
Granby, CT FBYC Essex CT
23. Colin Kennedy

- - 195890 Laser
East Williston, NY Port Washington Yacht Club
24. Zachary Dunn

- - 196008 Laser
25. Andrew Laugharn

- - 200216 Laser
Winchester, Massachusetts -
26. David Armitage

- - 196049 Laser
Apprentice Master
Portsmouth, RI Fleet 413
27. Michael Duncan

- - 178529 Laser
Chicago, IL Chicago YC
28. Kevin Wiersma

- - 195930 Laser
Burlington, Ontario RNSYS
29. Donald Hahl

- - 179132 Laser
Grand Master
Greenwood Village, CO Brant Beach YC
30. Benjamin Cohen

- - 198370 Laser
Hull, Massachusetts Hull/FAST
31. Thomas Almy

Laser - 201292 Laser
Rocky Hill, CT none
32. Jacy Haff

Laser - 181800 Laser
Daytona Beach, FL OSSC
33. Ian Ikeda

Laser - 199357 Laser
Duxbury, MA Laser Gold Sailing
34. Bryant Wood

Pegasus - 196134 Laser
Halifax, Nova Scotia LYC/RNSYS
35. Jessica C

Red Star - 175148 Laser
c, ri Edgewood Yacht Club
36. Alex Wisch

Wisch Fit - 186560 Laser
Wellesley, Massachusetts Courageous Sailing

Laser Radial
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Sarah Streater

- - 199776 Laser Radial
Flagler Beach, FL Lauderdale YC/Big Blue Sailing
2. Jack Fullerton

- - 182871 Laser Radial
Rye, NY American Yacht Club
3. Jack Marshall

- - 197626 Laser Radial
Auburndale, MA Fast Sailing Foundation
4. William Marshall

- - 200213 Laser Radial
Auburndale, MA FAST Sailing Foundation
5. Sarah Alexander

- - 199055 Laser Radial
Annapolis, Maryland Severn Sailing Association
6. Norbert Mongeon III

- - 187287 Laser Radial
North Smithfield, Rhode Island EGYC
7. John Sullivan

- - 200558 Laser Radial
Larchmont, New York Larchmont Yacht Club
8. Emma White

- - 185464 Laser Radial
Annapolis, Maryland Annapolis Yacht Club/Severn Sailing Association
9. Nick DiGiovanni

- - 199568 Laser Radial
Barrington, RI FAST
10. Gerard Eastman

- - 194166 Laser Radial
Locust Valley, NY Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club
11. edward lebens

- - 170071 Laser Radial
East Norwich, New York seawanhaka
12. Claudia Leitch

- - 195428 Laser Radial
New York, New York Southold Yacht Club
13. Emily Croteau

- - 210185 Laser Radial
Winchester, MA Pleon Yacht Club
14. Gary Prieto

- - 199117 Laser Radial
Southold, NY Old Cove YC
15. Wade Wagner

- - 201255 Laser Radial
Chicago, IL Chicago Match Racing Center
16. Quinn Howes

- - 187748 Laser Radial
South Orleans, MA PBCB/FAST
17. Read Beigel

- - 191513 Laser Radial
Severna Park, Maryland Annapolis Yacht Club
18. Caroline Garth

- - 173705 Laser Radial
Little Silver, NJ Shrewsbury Sailing & Yacht Club
19. Ray Vogel

- - 187297 Laser Radial
New Rochelle, NY Huguenot Yacht Club
20. Amanda Sommi

- - 193999 Laser Radial
Darien, CT SIYC
21. Michael Croteau

- - 210200 Laser Radial
Winchester, MA BCYC
22. Kia Olsson

- - 166044 Laser Radial
Bayport, New York Sayville Yacht Club
23. Connor Hennessey

- - 193277 Laser Radial
Center Moriches, NY Moriches Yacht Club
24. Daniel Papert

- - 194565 Laser Radial
Rye, NY American Yacht Club
25. Nathan Fields

- - 196283 Laser Radial
Vero Beach, FL Lauderdale Yacht Club/Big bLue Sailing Academy
26. Samuel Papert

- - 175905 Laser Radial
Rye, New York American Yacht Club
27. Jack McGuire

- - 148897 Laser Radial
Cos Cob, CT Camden Yacht Club
28. Richie Gordon

- - 190435 Laser Radial
Ridgefield, CT Cedar Point Yacht Club
29. Julia Reiley

- - 175045 Laser Radial
Marblehead, MA Pleon
30. Travis Bobley

- - 199558 Laser Radial
Sea Cliff, New York Sea Cliff Yacht Club
31. Corinne Peters

- - 198678 Laser Radial
Bedford, Nova Scotia RNSYS
32. Luke Ruitenberg

- - 196836 Laser Radial
Head of St Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia RNSYS
33. Henry Robinson

- - 180586 Laser Radial
Middletown, RI Bristol Yacht Club
34. Meghan Henneberry

- - 190290 Laser Radial
Halifax, Nova Scotia Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron
35. Bryce Andreasen

- - 177264 Laser Radial
Marblehead, Massachusetts Pleon YC
36. Gillian Boehringer

- - 197991 Laser Radial
Stamford, CT Stamford Yacht Club
37. Matthew Safford

- - 198365 Laser Radial
south hamilton, ma Pleon
38. Patrick Collins

- - 169817 Laser Radial
Darien, Connecticut Noroton Yacht Club
39. Steven Honig

- - 200381 Laser Radial
Forest Hills, New York Old Cove Yacht Club
40. Isabelle Gordon

- - 182762 Laser Radial
Ridgefield, CT Cedar Point Yacht Club
41. Sky Adams

- - 188100 Laser Radial
Santa Barbara, CA Brown
42. Tyler Fleig

- - 196099 Laser Radial
Portsmouth, Rhode Island Sail Newport/BCRP
43. Chris Shinopoulos

- - 199392 Laser Radial
Wenham, Massachusetts -
44. Samantha Jaykus

- - 192911 Laser Radial
Stamford, CT Stamford Yacht Club
45. Brigette Croke

- - 165088 Laser Radial
Bedford, NY Indian Harbor Yacht Club
46. Will Jones

- - 192029 Laser Radial
Jerseyville, Ontario RNSYS
47. Julia Monro

- - 151023 Laser Radial
Wilton, Connecticut Noroton YC
48. Tuckerman Jones

- - 190208 Laser Radial
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire PYC
49. Jake Rizika

- - 199350 Laser Radial
brookline, ma wianno yacht club
50. Phillip Schofield

- - 199585 Laser Radial
Annapolis, MD Severn Sailing Assoc.
51. Katie Levinson

- - 181837 Laser Radial
Winchester, Massachusetts Winchester Boat Club
52. Christina Persson

- - 132673 Laser Radial
hooksett, nh Sail Newport / PSA
53. Christina Mignosa

- - 167435 Laser Radial
Winthrop, Massachusetts pleon yacht club
54. Jessica Williams

- - 201216 Laser Radial
Norfolk, Virginia Big Blue Sailing Academy
55. Hector McKemey

- - 199579 Laser Radial
Larchmont, NY American Yacht Club
56. Sofia-Marie Mascia

- - HKG 180992 Laser Radial
Hong Kong, Hong Kong Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club
57. Graham Kilvert

- - 199807 Laser Radial
Barrington, MA Nantucket YC/FAST
58. Jack Budill

- - 187323 Laser Radial
Larchmont, NY Larchmont Yacht Club
59. Ethan Stark

- - 199365 Laser Radial
Riverside, Connecticut Indian Harbor Yacht Club
60. Judith Krimski

- - 191464 Laser Radial
Quincy, MA Judith Krimski
61. James Harvey

- - 197622 Laser Radial
Darien, CT American Yacht Club
62. Michael Signorella

- - 140766 Laser Radial
Dartmouth, Massachusetts New Bedford Yacht Club
63. Will Bloxham

- - 199787 Laser Radial
Marblehead, MA Pleon YC
64. Gray Kiger III

- - 201217 Laser Radial
Norfolk, Virginia Big Blue Sailing
65. Nathan Dunn

- - 193995 Laser Radial
Bedford, Nova Scotia RNSYS
66. Matthew Schofield

- - 199355 Laser Radial
Annapolis, MD Severn Sailing Assoc.
67. Jack Bignell

- - 199408 Laser Radial
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron
68. Alexander Hanna

- - 175881 Laser Radial
poquoson, vA HYC
69. Haley Fox

- - 188678 Laser Radial
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Lauderdale Yacht Club/Big Blue Sailing
70. Haley Clemson

- - 168578 Laser Radial
Winchester, MA Pleon Yacht Club
71. Matthew Coughlin

- - 559 Laser Radial
Cumberland, RI EGYC
72. Alexander SINGH

- - 181264 Laser Radial
Virginia Beach, VA Big Blue Sailing Academy
73. McKay Hanna

- - 199157 Laser Radial
poquoson, vA HYC
74. Rachel Bryer

- - 186532 Laser Radial
Jamestown, Rhode Island Conanicut Yacht Club/FAST
75. Dave Kinney

- - 189717 Laser Radial
Marblehead, MA Pleon YC
76. Malcolm Lamphere

- - 199796 Laser Radial
Lake Forest, IL Lake Geneva Yacht Club
77. Ansel Duff

---- - 194149 Laser Radial
New Bedford, MA Low Tide Yacht Club
78. Gabrielle Rizika

Danielle Rizika - 199587 Laser Radial
Chestnut Hill, MA WYC
79. Kirin Hutheesing

laser - 175905 Laser Radial
new york, ny IHYC
80. andrew puopolo

Laser - 198363 Laser Radial
new york, ny Marsh Creek Sailing Club
81. William McKeige

Love jet - 175549 Laser Radial
mamaroneck, new York American Yacht Club
82. Sydney Mandelbaum

mandelbaum - 199154 Laser Radial
New York, NY Southold Yacht Club
83. Graeme Alderman

n/a - 199159 Laser Radial
Beaverdam, VA Big Blue Sailing Academy/Fishing Bay Yacht Club
84. Jessica Claflin

Red Star - 175148 Laser Radial
Cumberland, RI FAST/EYC/Sail Newport

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Torey Pellegrini

- - 60 Multihulls
Kingston, MA -
2. Jay Spalding

Blue Moon - 026 Multihulls
Pawcatuck, CT NEMA
3. Robert Greene

Fledermus - M23 Multihulls
Dallas, TX Robert Greene
4. Ed Sinofsky

GlowBoat - 299 Multihulls
dennis, ma NEMA, Hyannis Yacht Club
5. Penry Jackson

Gwas y neidr - 3525 Multihulls
Scarsdale, New York NEMA
6. Michael Divon

Milk & Honey III - 10 Multihulls
Stamford, CT Stamford Yacht Club
7. Ted Grossbart

Rosebud - F247M Multihulls
Marblehead,, MA NEMA
8. Andrew Houlding

Skedaddle - 57 Multihulls
Hamden, CT NEMA
9. Donald Watson

Swamp Fox - 2 Multihulls
South Dartmouth, MA New Bedford
10. Robert Gleason

Tri Me - 52 Multihulls
Wareham, MA Beverly Yacht Club / NEMA
11. Peter Vakhutinsky

Tritium - 118 Multihulls
Needham, Massachusetts NEMA
12. Richard Bluestein

White Heat - 421 Multihulls
Brookline, MA NEMA

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Christa Georgeson

Plympton, MA NA
2. Graham Allen

Maple Glen, PA Harraseeket Yacht Club
3. Wayne Colahan

Marblehead, MA. Eastern Yacht Club
4. Ryan Powell

St George, Bm Brewster Sailing
5. Oriane Longerstaey

Lexington, MA FAST
6. Anoush Longerstaey

Lexington, MA FAST
7. Matthew Greenfield
Andrew Reed
Annapolis, Maryland Severn Sailing Association
8. Antonia Leggett
William Kiley
Manchester, MA Manchester Sailing Association
9. Griffin Pilz
Casey Pilz
Madison, CT New England Science and Sailing
10. Carter White

Portland, Maine Portland Yacht Club
11. Brian Owen

Manchester, MA Manchester Yacht Club
12. Kirin hutheesing
Nicholas Kiley
new York, ny Indian Harbor Yacht Club
13. Eliabeth Wohler-Berry

Celtica - 584 PENDING REVIEW
Portsmouth, NH none
14. Joan Tiffany

Cove Girl - 512 PENDING REVIEW
Boston, MA Beverly Yacht Clug
15. William Tifft

Death & Glory - 639 PENDING REVIEW
Pelham, New York Beverly Yacht Club
16. Kym Lee

Ferdinand - 520 PENDING REVIEW
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
17. Andrew Burton

Newport, RI Ida Lewis YC
18. Henry Machum

Halifax, Nova Scotia Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron
19. john mills

Kanga - 22714 PENDING REVIEW
Marion,, MA Beverly
20. Christopher Memoli

Lady Susan - 885 PENDING REVIEW
Wayland, MA Beverly Yacht Club
21. Christopher Verni

Westwood, MA Beverly YC
22. india johnstone
India Johnstone
pakistan - 197618 PENDING REVIEW
jamestown, rhode island FAST/CYC
23. Chris Collings

Marion, MA BYC
24. Wendy Goodwin

Red All Over - 790 PENDING REVIEW
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club

PHRF Cruise 1
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Gregg Nourgian

- - 132491 PHRF Cruise 1
Marion, mMA BYC
2. Alan Fougere

Avatar - 54321 PHRF Cruise 1
Pocasset, MA None
3. Davis Sanford

Bacchae - 53407 PHRF Cruise 1
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
4. Wesley McMichael

Ballyhoo - 43744 PHRF Cruise 1
Ardmore, pa Beverly Yacht Club
5. Herbert Kirkpatrick

Boondoggle - 52309 PHRF Cruise 1
Wellesley, MA Beverly Yacht Club
6. Pike Severance

Crazy Horse - 42001 PHRF Cruise 1
Bedford, NH BYC
7. Andrew Seguin

ENTROPY - 30881 PHRF Cruise 1
Osterville, Massachusetts Hyannis Yacht Club
8. Fred Trezise

Freya - 10231 PHRF Cruise 1
Newbury, MA Beverly Yacht Club
9. Rich Gleason

Great Day - 20989 PHRF Cruise 1
Marion, MA Mattapoisett YC
10. Leslie De Groot

RESTLESS - 150 PHRF Cruise 1
South Dartmouth, MA NBYC
11. Thomas Muldoon

Revelation - 168 PHRF Cruise 1
Mattapoisett, MA Mattapoisett YC
12. Richard Fontaine

SARABANDE - 41941 PHRF Cruise 1
Buzzards Bay, MA MMA
13. Benjamin Block

Serenity - 22234 PHRF Cruise 1
Barrington, Rhode Island Barrington Yacht Club
14. Albert Signorella

Sundance - 122 PHRF Cruise 1
Dartmouth, MA New Bedford Yacht Club
15. Ed Lobo

Waterwolf - 140 PHRF Cruise 1
Dartmouth, MA LTYC
16. Ron Noonan

Wildflower - 50940 PHRF Cruise 1
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
17. George Brown

Windigo - 52378 PHRF Cruise 1
north easton, ma new bedford yc

PHRF Race 1
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Richard Fontaine

Comet - 0247 PHRF Race 1
Buzzards Bay, MA MMA
2. Shaun Ensor

Fearless - 39537 PHRF Race 1
South dartmouth, Ma -
3. Henry Brauer

FleetWing - USA 37 PHRF Race 1
Marblehead, MA Eastern
4. Barry Steinberg

Glory - 52540 PHRF Race 1
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
5. Peter Brown

Heart of Gold - 119 PHRF Race 1
Boston, ma Constitution YC
6. Arthur Burke

Shindig - 55655 PHRF Race 1
South Dartmouth, MA New Bedford
7. Jim Masiero

Ursus maritimus - 161 PHRF Race 1
Sterling, MA SAYC
8. Douglas Curtiss

WICKED 2.0 - 30 PHRF Race 1
9. John Schimenti

Zefiro Torna - US 35035 PHRF Race 1
Greenwich, CT Old Greenwich YC

PHRF Race 2
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. JP Skov

- - 60415 PHRF Race 2
Portsmouth, RI NA
2. Ben Shachoy

August West - 54 PHRF Race 2
Marion, MA Beverly
3. Rick Williams

CHARIAD - 53123 PHRF Race 2
Malden, MA Boston Yacht Club
4. Josh Peck

Courtship - 31 PHRF Race 2
Boston, MA Mattapoisett YC
5. Charles Clack

Flying Clipper - 244 PHRF Race 2
osprey, FL Beverly Yacht Club
6. Richard Hyde

Freightrain - 40926 PHRF Race 2
Belmont, MA Ida Lewis Yacht Club
7. Ted Herlihy

Gut Feeling - 72 PHRF Race 2
south dartmouth, ma nbyc
8. Matthew Schmitt

Hardtack - 563 PHRF Race 2
Bourne, MA Buzzards YC
9. Pete Lebish

Lyric - 352 PHRF Race 2
Pocasset, MA Old Sigh Race Series
10. Adrian Ionescu

Migration - 60195 PHRF Race 2
Charlestown, MA Constitution Yacht Club
11. Richard Blatterman

Ole'Ole - 60363 PHRF Race 2
Duxbury, MA Plymouth YC
12. Robert Salk

Picante - 126 PHRF Race 2
jamestown, ri new york yacht club
13. Steve Dahill

Riva - 50635 PHRF Race 2
Belmont, MA BYC
14. Ira Perry

SEEFEST - 53303 PHRF Race 2
South Dartmouth, Ma. NBYC
15. Dan Grossman

Spitfire - 52149 PHRF Race 2
Wellesley, MA BYC
16. Jon Desmond

Uno Mas - 25666 PHRF Race 2
Fairhaven, Ma Beverly
17. Dan Boyd Mitch Wiest

WildThing - 272 PHRF Race 2
Weston, MA Cottage Park YC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. George Gardner

Goodnews - 8 Shields
Mattapoisett, MA BYC
2. Shane Wells

Harrier - 235 Shields
marion, ma New York Yacht Club
3. Charles Shoemaker

Hawk - 245 Shields
Newport, RI Shield Fleet 9; Newport YC
4. Richard Gamache

Juice - 66 Shields
Mattapoisett, MA BYC
5. Stephen Symchych

Kiskadee - 247 Shields
Newton, MA Beverly YC
6. Brian Walsh

Nuts - 244 Shields
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
7. William Berry

Syrinx - 239 Shields
Marion, Massachusetts Beverly
8. Daniel Goodwin

The Grinch - 248 Shields
Marion, Massachusetts Beverly Yacht Club
9. Richard Robbins

WHITE RABBIT - 238 Shields
Mattapoisett, MA Beverly Yacht Club

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Ben Greenfield
Amelia Quinn
- - 1534 V15
Providence, Ri SYC
2. Steven Pelissier

- - 1893 V15
Old Lyme, CT Niantic Bay Yacht Club
3. Alex Romagnoli
Stephanie Kapinos
- - 1926 V15
Newbury, MA Connecticut College
4. Pete Edmunds
Molly O'Neil
- - 637 V15
Wellesley, Massachusetts BCYC
5. Bryan Baker
Amanda Baker
- - 1565 V15
Reading, MA bpyd
6. Dan Nickerson
Claire Chambers
- - 1547 V15
Noank, CT NESS
7. Mark Dinneen
Abby Preston
- - 1927 V15
Milton, MA RITRA
8. Nick Arabia
Ryan Grande
- - 1472 V15
Braintree, Massachusetts Hyannis Yacht Club
9. Jake Denney
Kaitlin Denney
- - 552 V15
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
10. Duncan Howes
Greg Reppucci
- - 1494 V15
South Orleans, MA Cornell Sailing
11. Billy Martin
Janet Zarkowsky
- - 1 V15
Riverton, NJ Riverton Yacht Club
12. Charles Proctor
Katie Levinson
- - 1377 V15
Southport, CT Cedar Point Yacht Club
13. Lucas Adams
Courtney Bergh
- - 18 V15
Middletown, RI Young Bloodz YC
14. Chris Price
Charlotte Snow
- - 1773 V15
Huntington, NY DCYC
15. Alex Baittinger
Jeremy Henry
- - 1656 V15
Newport, Rhode Island East Greenwich Yacht Club
16. Dan Hesse
Kaity Harris
- - 309 V15
Saratoga Springs, NY Saratoga Lake SC
17. Tripp Cashel
Louisa Chafee
- - 1443 V15
west hartford, ct FIYC
18. Alex Whipple

- - 203 V15
plandome, NY New York Yacht Club
19. Scott Houck
Carissa Crawford
- - 1099 V15
Annapolis, Maryland DCYC
20. Jesse Combs
Stacy Vuylsteke
- - 1794 V15
Key West, FL Key West Sailing Club
21. Cole Allsopp
Sam Stokes
- - 1805 V15
Annapolis, Maryland Annapolis Yacht Club
22. Elizabeth Dubovik
Lea Bushnell
- - 010 V15
Chatham, MA Chatham Yacht Club/ Conn College
23. Matthew Clarida
Greg Fisher
- - 398 V15
Southport, CT Pequot Yacht Club
24. Gram Slattery
Jordan Bothwick
- - 1692 V15
marblehead, ma Eastern Yacht Club
25. Andrew Mollerus
Matthew Mollerus
- - 1725 V15
Larchmont, New York Larchmont Yacht Club
26. Matthew Paige
Jemma O'Donnell
- - 7 V15
Mystic, CT Stonington Harbor YC
27. Brian Drumm
Alex Myers
- - 1192 V15
Marblehead, MA Eastern Yacht Club
28. James Barry
Matthew Weston
- - 141 V15
Riverside, CT Riverside Yacht Club
29. Michael Drumm
James Yoder
- - 1800 V15
Marblehead, MA Eastern Yacht Club
30. Caleb Armstrong
matt sola
- - 88 V15
dartmouth, MA New Bedford YC
31. Andrew Jones
Will Felder
- - 979 V15
St. Petersburg, Fl SPYC
32. Trace Smith
Kim Bolick
- - 1915 V15
Dedham, MA Beverly YC
33. OJ O'Connell
Micheal Booker
- - 295 V15
Niantic, ct. Mystic River Mudhead Sailing Assoc./UVM Sailing
34. Clinton Hayes
Erin Pierce
- - 1587 V15
East Haddam, CT Eastern Yacht Club
35. Tristan Janowicz
Ashleigh Farnham
- - 89 V15
Marston Mills, MA Barnstable Sailing/Wianno
36. Christian Manchester
Patrick Hession
- - 1784 V15
New York, NY Larchmont Yacht Club
37. Ben Spiller
Anna Miniutti
- - 1922 V15
Warwick, RI Sheboygan Yacht Club
38. Jake Denney
Kaitlin Denney
5861 - 552 V15
Marion, Ma Beverly Yacht Club
39. Nick Johnstone
Katia DaSilva
Fully Torqued - 54 V15
Newport, RI New York Yacht Club
40. Danny Pletsch
Emily Anderson
Le Danz - 3072 V15
greenwich, ct Larchmont YC
41. Colin Smith
Michael Yanagisawa
WBW - 384 V15
Fort Lauderdale, FL Lauderdale Yacht Club
42. Michael Brown
Daniel Brown
[Adult Swim] - 1608 V15
Annapolis, MD Severn Sailing Association

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