Registrants For
2012 Santa Cruz 27 National Championship
Richmond Yacht Club

June 29-July 01, 2012
14 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Craig Smith

Don Quixote - 67994 SC27
Los Gatos, CA SCYC
2. Bob DeWitt/ Tom Postlewaite

Duet - 18778 SC27
Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz Yacht Club
3. James Clappier

Furthur - 116 SC27
Mill Valley, CA SCYC
4. David Garman

Giant Slayer - 59369 SC27
renton, wa ttpyc
5. Joe Hagen/ John Ross

GOTCHA - 47911 SC27
Phoenix, Arizona SCYC
6. Rob Schuyler

Hanalei - 8111 SC27
San Jose, Ca Santa Cruz Yacht Club
7. Geoff Boraston

Jersey Girl - 002 SC27
Scotts Valley, CA SCYC
8. Beat Naef

Magic - 8131 SC27
Santa Cruz, CA SCYC
9. Warren Pelz

Rocinante - 44 SC27
Santa Cruz, California scyc
10. Charles Abraham

Saffron - 108 SC27
Los Gatos, CA SCYC
11. Michael Irish/ Corinna Stolp

Shibumi - 18765 SC27
San Francisco, CA OYC
12. Barry Whittall

Variety Show - 124 SC27
San Jose, CA SCYC
13. Bart Goodell

Vitesse - 18711 SC27
Salinas, CA BCBC
14. Jon Kim

YourX - 015 SC27
san jose, ca scyc

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