Registrants For
Woodies Invitational
St. Francis Yacht Club

June 02-03, 2012
44 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. GLenn Treser

Chance - 47 Bear
Daly City, CA Bay View Boat Club
2. Peter Miller

Kodiak - 68 Bear
Oakland, CA MMBA
3. Tim Maloney

Magic - 65 Bear
Santa Clara, Ca MMBA
4. David Sandry

Puff - 59 Bear
Boulder Creek, CA MMBA
5. Russell Katz

Renegade - 35 Bear
San Jose, CA MMBA
6. Stephen Robertson

Smokey - 29 Bear
Mill Valley, California St. Francis Yacht Club
7. David Sands

Sugarfoot - 13 Bear
San Francisco, Ca MMBA

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Bill Claussen

Curlew - 2 Bird
Lafayette, Ca Richmond
2. william stucky

Polly - 19 Bird
san francisco, california corinithian
3. James Josephs

Skylark - 6 Bird
SAN ANSELMO, CA. Cal Sailing
4. David A Cobb

Widgeon - 21 Bird
Occidental, CA SFYC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. michael goebel

elsie - 109 Folkboat
San Francisco, ca BVBC
2. George Cathey

Emma - US 116 Folkboat
San Francisco, CA SSS
3. Brock de Lappe

Faith - 121 Folkboat
Alameda, CA Aeolian Yacht Club
4. werner stein

folkdance - 103 Folkboat
Alamo, CA BVBC
5. Eric Kaiser

Josephine - 122 Folkboat
Mill Valley, CA StFYC
6. Bill Du Moulin

Little Svendel - 112 Folkboat
Point Richmond, CA Cal Sailing
7. Richard Keldsen

Nordic Star - 107 Folkboat
San Francisco, CA StFYC
8. peter jeal

Polperro - F 113 Folkboat
san francisco, ca BVBC
9. Chris Herrmann

Thea - 108 Folkboat
Mill Valley, CA SFYC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Gregory Meagher

Hecate - 87 IOD
Berkeley, CA StFYC
2. Jim Hennefer

La Paloma - IC-164 IOD
San Francisco, California St Francis
3. Richard /Mark Pearce

Rich Pearce - 86 IOD
Tiburon, CA Rich Pearce
4. Ashley Lyon

Stark Terror - 75 IOD
San Francisco, CA none
5. Spencer Fulweiler

Xarifa - 78 IOD
San Mateo, CA StFYC
6. Ron Young

Youngster - 82 IOD
Mill Valley, Ca StFYC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. jon perkins

- - 125 Knarr
san francisco, ca st.fyc
2. donald nazzal

adelante - 130 Knarr
san francisco, ca stfyc
3. Mark Dahm

Benino - US102 Knarr
Portola Valley, CA StFYC
4. Brent Crawford

Fifty/Fifty - 144 Knarr
Novato, California -
5. Chris Kelly

Flyer - 104 Knarr
Larkspur, CA Richmond Yacht Club
6. Graham Green

Gjendin - 111 Knarr
San Francisco, CA St Francis YC
7. Mark Malcoun

GOSSIP - 122 Knarr
San Francisco, CA StFYC
8. George Rygg

Hutteru - 100 Knarr
Belvedere, Ca. SFYC
9. Dimitrios Dimitrelis

Knarr - 107 Knarr
Atherton, CA StFYC
10. Mike Peterson

Knarrmageddon - 115 Knarr
San Francisco,, CA St. FYC
11. Mark/Steve Adams/Taft

Knoonan - 142 Knarr
Pt. Richmond, CA StFYC
12. Risley Sams

Kraken - 47 Knarr
San Francisco, CA St.FYC
13. john jenkins

Narcissus - 143 Knarr
belvedere, ca., St. Francis YC
14. Fabien Hermand

Ohana - 128 Knarr
San Francisco, California StFYC
15. bill belmont

shadow - 85 Knarr
SAN FRANCISCO,, california inverness YC
16. Knud Wibroe

Snaps III - 120 Knarr
Sausalito, CA St.F.Y.C.
17. Tom Reed

Sophia - 103 Knarr
Tiburon, California St. Francis Yacht Club
18. Michael Guzzardo

Wintersmoon - 116 Knarr
Discovery Bay, CA Discovery Bay Yacht Club

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