Registrants For
Buzzards Bay Regatta 2012

August 03-05, 2012
56 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Torey Pellegrini

- - 60 Multihulls
Kingston, MA -
2. Jay Spalding

Blue Moon - 026 Multihulls
Pawcatuck, CT NEMA
3. Robert Greene

Fledermus - M23 Multihulls
Dallas, TX Robert Greene
4. Ed Sinofsky

GlowBoat - 299 Multihulls
dennis, ma NEMA, Hyannis Yacht Club
5. Penry Jackson

Gwas y neidr - 3525 Multihulls
Scarsdale, New York NEMA
6. Michael Divon

Milk & Honey III - 10 Multihulls
Stamford, CT Stamford Yacht Club
7. Ted Grossbart

Rosebud - F247M Multihulls
Marblehead,, MA NEMA
8. Andrew Houlding

Skedaddle - 57 Multihulls
Hamden, CT NEMA
9. Donald Watson

SWAMP FOX - 2 Multihulls
South Dartmouth, MA New Bedford
10. Robert Gleason

Tri Me - 52 Multihulls
Wareham, MA Beverly Yacht Club / NEMA
11. Peter Vakhutinsky

Tritium - 118 Multihulls
Needham, Massachusetts NEMA
12. Richard Bluestein

White Heat - 421 Multihulls
Brookline, MA NEMA

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Brian Owen

Manchester, MA Manchester Yacht Club
2. john mills

Kanga - 22714 PENDING REVIEW
Marion,, MA Beverly

PHRF Cruise 1
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Alan Fougere

Avatar - 54321 PHRF Cruise 1
Pocasset, MA None
2. Davis Sanford

Bacchae - 53407 PHRF Cruise 1
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
3. Wesley McMichael

Ballyhoo - 43744 PHRF Cruise 1
Ardmore, pa Beverly Yacht Club
4. Greg Nourgian

Blue Pigeon - 13249 PHRF Cruise 1
Marion, MA BYC
5. Herbert Kirkpatrick

Boondoggle - 52309 PHRF Cruise 1
Wellesley, MA Beverly Yacht Club
6. Pike Severance

Crazy Horse - 42001 PHRF Cruise 1
Bedford, NH BYC
7. Andrew Seguin

ENTROPY - 30881 PHRF Cruise 1
Osterville, Massachusetts Hyannis Yacht Club
8. Fred Trezise

Freya - 10231 PHRF Cruise 1
Newbury, MA Beverly Yacht Club
9. Leslie De Groot

RESTLESS - 150 PHRF Cruise 1
South Dartmouth, MA NBYC
10. Thomas Muldoon

Revelation - 168 PHRF Cruise 1
Mattapoisett, MA Mattapoisett YC
11. Chuck Fontaine

Sarabande - 41941 PHRF Cruise 1
Marion, MA Mass Maritime
12. Benjamin Block

Serenity - 22234 PHRF Cruise 1
Barrington, Rhode Island Barrington Yacht Club
13. Albert Signorella

Sundance - 122 PHRF Cruise 1
Dartmouth, MA New Bedford Yacht Club
14. Ed Lobo

Waterwolf - 140 PHRF Cruise 1
Dartmouth, MA LTYC
15. Ron Noonan

Wildflower - 50940 PHRF Cruise 1
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
16. George Brown

Windigo - 52378 PHRF Cruise 1
north easton, ma new bedford yc

PHRF Race 1
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Richard Fontaine

Comet - 0247 PHRF Race 1
Buzzards Bay, MA MMA
2. Shaun Ensor

Fearless - 39537 PHRF Race 1
South dartmouth, Ma -
3. Henry Brauer

FleetWing - USA 37 PHRF Race 1
Marblehead, MA Eastern
4. Barry Steinberg

Glory - 52540 PHRF Race 1
Marion, MA Beverly Yacht Club
5. Peter Brown

Heart of Gold - 119 PHRF Race 1
Boston, ma Constitution YC
6. Arthur Burke

Shindig - 55655 PHRF Race 1
Marion, MA nbyc
7. Jim Masiero

Ursus maritimus - 161 PHRF Race 1
Sterling, MA SAYC
8. Douglas Curtiss

WICKED 2.0 - 30 PHRF Race 1
9. John Schimenti

Zefiro Torna - US 35035 PHRF Race 1
Greenwich, CT Old Greenwich YC

PHRF Race 2
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Ben Shachoy

August West - 54 PHRF Race 2
Marion, MA Beverly
2. Rick Williams

CHARIAD - 53123 PHRF Race 2
Malden, MA Boston Yacht Club
3. Josh Peck

Courtship - 31 PHRF Race 2
Boston, MA Mattapoisett YC
4. Charles Clack

Flying Clipper - 244 PHRF Race 2
osprey, FL Beverly Yacht Club
5. Richard Hyde

Freightrain - 40926 PHRF Race 2
Belmont, MA Ida Lewis Yacht Club
6. Ted Herlihy

Gut Feeling - 72 PHRF Race 2
south dartmouth, ma nbyc
7. Matthew Schmitt

Hardtack - 563 PHRF Race 2
Bourne, MA Buzzards YC
8. Pete Lebish

Lyric - 352 PHRF Race 2
Pocasset, MA Old Sigh Race Series
9. Adrian Ionescu

Migration - 60195 PHRF Race 2
Charlestown, MA Constitution Yacht Club
10. JP Skov

Northstar - 60415 PHRF Race 2
Portsmouth, RI NA
11. Richard Blatterman

Ole'Ole - 60363 PHRF Race 2
Duxbury, MA Plymouth YC
12. Robert Salk

Picante - 126 PHRF Race 2
jamestown, ri new york yacht club
13. Steve Dahill

Riva - 50635 PHRF Race 2
Belmont, MA BYC
14. Ira Perry

SEEFEST - 53303 PHRF Race 2
South Dartmouth, Ma. NBYC
15. Dan Grossman

Spitfire - 52149 PHRF Race 2
Wellesley, MA BYC
16. Jon Desmond

Uno Mas - 25666 PHRF Race 2
Fairhaven, Ma Beverly
17. Dan Boyd Mitch Wiest

WildThing - 272 PHRF Race 2
Weston, MA Cottage Park YC

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