Registrants For
2012 Lake Washington Sailing Club Turkey Shoot

November 11, 2012
24 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Steve Galeria

2 Slick - 8069 Banshee
Gold River, CA FLYC
2. charles witcher

8063 - 8063 Banshee
sacramento, Ca lwsc
3. Bob Carl

Bonita - 2358 Banshee
Carmichael, CA LWSC
4. Wayne Cassingham

Cruzin - 007 Banshee
Santa Cruz, CA scuttlebutt
5. Jack Gray

Hammerhead - 6881 Banshee
Citrus Heights, CA None
6. Craig Lee

In n Out - 8061 Banshee
El Dorado Hills, California Scuttlebutt
7. Kerry Johnson

Spitfire - 3499 Banshee
El Dorado Hille, CA Folsom Lake Yacht Club
8. Beth Richard

Y2K Bug - 2000 Banshee
El Dorado Hills, California Folsom Lake yacht Club
9. Dean Eppley

Yahoo! - 8000 Banshee
Folsom, CA Folosm Lake Yacht Club

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Brian Schyberg

- - 187395 laser
sacramento, California LWSC
2. Austin Eilering

Laser - 166835 laser
Carmichael, Ca LWSC
3. Stephen Aguilar

LASER - 151575 laser
carmichael, califorina B.B.S
4. John Doval

Laser - 192888 laser
Sacramento, CA Lake Washington Sailing Club

Open fleet
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Scott Rovanpera

- - 3481 Open fleet
Walnut Creek, CA Richmond YC
2. Steve Cameron

C-Ya - 150 Open fleet
Richmond, California94807 RYC
3. Frank Chwalowski

Frank N Cents - 4919 Open fleet
Sacramento, CA Lake Washington Sailing Club
4. Ryan Schofield

Old Blue - 2095 Open fleet
Alameda, CA - California LWSC
5. doug graham

sf pelican - 2843 Open fleet
antioch, ca sf pelican fleet 1
6. Cynthia Shallit

Sunfish - xxxxxx Open fleet
Sacramento, CA LWSC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Rich Glovin

- - 2346 Thistle
Sacramento, CA LWSC
2. Mike Arrow

Airily - 4010 Thistle
Brentwood, CA Lake Washington SC
3. David Rumbaugh

Drunkn Thorny - 3904 Thistle
Sacramento, Ca Lake Washington Sailing Club
4. Dan Clark

Osprey - 0376 Thistle
Sacramento, California Lake Washington Sailing Club
5. Alex Dailey

The Whizpopper - 1075 Thistle
San Francisco, CA None

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