Registrants For
HYC Turkey Day Regatta
The Houston Yacht Club

November 17-18, 2012
41 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Dick Baxter

Crusader - 438 Ensign
Houston, TX Houston yacht club
2. Bob Chapman

Ladyhawk na / 1139 Ensign
Houston, TX HYC
3. Dean Snider

Little Oil - 1724 Ensign
La Porte, tx HYC
4. John Cutler

the other woman - 1029 Ensign
Houston, TX Houston Yacht Club

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Uzi Ozeri

Infinity - 378 J/105
Houston, TX Lakewood Yacht Club
2. Mark Young

Killer Rabbit - 185 J/105
Houston, TX Lakewood Yacht Club
3. J B Bednar

Stinger - 296 J/105
Houston, TX Lakewood YC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Art Bieser

- - 154101 Lightning
Houston, Texas Houston Yacht Club
2. Tim Fox

Lightning - 15312 Lightning
3. Gary Schwantz

Mystique II - 15326 Lightning
Kingwood, TX Lagos Yacht Club
4. Ian Edwards

Southerly Buster - 15410 Lightning
Northbridge, NSW NSC ( & HYC )

PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Dmitriy Yegorov

Aravaca - 23540 PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
Houston, Texas HYC
2. Jay Zittrer

BANJO GIRL - 11899 PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
Taylor Lake Village, Texas LYC
3. Karen Penrose

Blind Ambition - 3211 PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
Shoreacres, TX GBCA
4. Greg Gladden

CHIRON - 28422 PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
Houston, TX GBCA
5. Ron Anderson

Compromise - na PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
Houston, Texas None
6. Frank Francis

Figaro - 10 PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
League City, Texas Lakewood Yacht Club
7. Walter Horton

firewater - 21335 PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
Seabrook, Texas GBCA
8. Johnny Jones

Island Time - 273 PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
League City, Tx. GBCA
9. Maarten van Hasselt

Joan III - 144 PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
Houston, TX GBCA
10. Dennis Kokkinis

Tipsea - None PHRF Pursuit non-Spinnaker
Houston, Texas CLSC

PHRF Pursuit Spinnaker
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Drew Peerless

ALERT 44ST8706 / NA19 PHRF Pursuit Spinnaker
Houston, TX Seabrook Shipyard
2. George Cushing

Dolcetto - 286 PHRF Pursuit Spinnaker
Houston, Texas GBCA
3. John Lacy

Flying Kiss None / 102 PHRF Pursuit Spinnaker
Kingwood, Texas GBCA
4. Marc Holdaway

Mutinous Dogs Racing - 54 PHRF Pursuit Spinnaker
Houston, TX IYAC
5. Ken Humphries

Outrageous - / 14 PHRF Pursuit Spinnaker
Houston, TX HYC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Katherine Wilcox

- 078 / 078 PHRF Spin A
HOUSTON, Texas Seabrook Shipyard
2. David Christensen

Airborne - 238 PHRF Spin A
Katy, Texas GBCA
3. tom meeh cote sutton

Leading Edge - 162 PHRF Spin A
Houston, TX LYC
4. Charles/ Fred Buckner/ Prelle

Revolution - 12 ft PHRF Spin A
LaPorte, TX HYC
5. Brian Tulloch

Water Nymph 3 - US51 PHRF Spin A
Houston, tx HYC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Warren Miller

Adios Dos - 43708 PHRF Spin B
Seabrook, TX HYC

3. Larry Wise

Delicious Tamale - 863 PHRF Spin B
Houston, TX HYC
4. Ian Beck

True Grit 13 / 638 PHRF Spin B
Houston, Tx HYC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Robert Williams

Apache - 168 Viper
Seabrook, Texas Houston Yacht Club
2. John Davis

Blue Bayou - 33 Viper
3. Farley Fontenot

Circle of Trust - 23 Viper
LaPorte, Texas HYC
4. lawrence maher

comfortably numb - 154 Viper
houston, tx hyc
5. Iain Case

Fuzzy Duck - 102 Viper
Houston, Tx houston
6. patrick gibson

seco tu pelo - 152 Viper
houston, tx Houston YC

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