Registrants For
2014 LHYC Women Skippers Race
Lloyd Harbor Yacht Club

July 27, 2014
9 people have registered for this event

Jib andbMain
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Ariel Epstein
brad Litwak
lloyd harbr 27 Sleepy Head Jib andbMain / - Ultimate / Ultimate/Antrim 27 90 07/22/2014
2. Christopher Schneider
Caryl Reda
LHYC/Centerport YC 11426 RASCAL Jib andbMain / - Ericson Yachts / E 39 Sloop 117 07/22/2014
3. Janet Brancaccio
LHYC 79 Kismet IV Jib andbMain / - C&C / C&C110 105 07/24/2014
4. Heidi Peborde-Gerakaris
Heidi Peborde-Gerakaris
Masthead Cove YC 706 Pirate Bey Jib andbMain / - Ericson / 28 231 07/24/2014
5. Linda Dipaola
KYC and LHYC 40253 orion Jib andbMain / - S2 / 10.3 129 07/25/2014

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Shannon Mindich
Shannon Mindich
LHYC 488 Shakedown Spinnaker / - J/BOATS / J/105 96 07/22/2014
2. Lisa Willis
LHYC 65 Solution Spinnaker / - J Boats / J 105 96 07/22/2014
3. Alexis Gesualdo
T. O'Brien
Northport YC, Lloyd Harbor YC 25416 Ropeburn Spinnaker / - J Boats / J/105 96 07/23/2014
4. Teresa Folcarelli
Masaki Sato 294 Surprise II Spinnaker / - J / j80 129 07/24/2014

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