    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Mark Williams
Marlene Galizi
Indian Harbor 86 Blew By You Catboats / [E] - / Catboat 13.9 09/03/2015
2. Frank Kemp
Ramsay Bell
Noroton Yacht Club MC-4 Lovinde Catboats / [E] - / Catboat - Marshall 13.9 09/08/2015
3. John Reffner
John Reffner
Elaine Reffner
Halloween Yacht Club 139 Sally E Catboats / [E] - / Catboat - Atlantic City 24 13.9 09/11/2015
4. Mark Dam
Darien Boat Club BH99 Malo Catboats / [E] - / catboat 13.9 09/05/2015
5. Roger van Lovern
Indian Harbor Yacht Club 1 Cat-Mau Catboats / [E] - / Catboat 13.9 09/09/2015

Classic Yachts
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Raymond Scanlan
American YC Q3 Hope Classic Yachts / [A] - / Q Class 34.5 09/09/2015
2. Elith Larsen
NYAC 1936 Aegir Classic Yachts / [A] - / Alden yawl 27.6 09/08/2015
3. Seumas Meharg
NYYC - Bequia Classic Yachts / [A] - / Custom 58.5 08/31/2015
4. David Murphy
Indian Harbor Yacht Club US 3000 Puffin Classic Yachts / [A] - / S&S 34.8 09/14/2015
5. Scott Frantz
Riverside yacht club 100 Ticonderoga Classic Yachts / [A] - / L Francis Herreshoff 51.7 08/25/2015
6. Ted Graves
Indian Harbor Yacht Club 10 Nor'easter Classic Yachts / [A] - / Q Class 35.1 07/23/2015
7. John Melvin
Indian Harbor Yacht Club 71 Black Watch Classic Yachts / [A] - / Sparkman & Stephens 48 09/09/2015
8. Richard Sammons
New York Yacht Club none Windermere Classic Yachts / [B] - / Alden 27.9 08/24/2015
9. Julien Davies
dana carini
dana carini
none none Tiger Maru Classic Yachts / [B] - / custom sloop polish built one 25.2 08/19/2015
10. Jesse Terry
New York Yacht Club 81 NORTHERN LIGHT Classic Yachts / [B] - / Marconi Sloop 23.6 08/31/2015
11. Ted Boynton
none 25 Dagger Classic Yachts / [B] - / Int 225 29 09/11/2015
12. Leonard Sinowitz
Orienta Yacht Club none Mary Loring Classic Yachts / [B] - / Cutter, cruising design by Win 30.2 09/06/2015
13. Mike Emmert
Hempstead Harbor Yacht Club 1937 Golden Eye Classic Yachts / [B] - / Yawl 28.1 07/23/2015
14. Edward McAndrews
Frank LoPresti
Charles Cannam
North Shore Yacht Club US421 Delight Classic Yachts / [B] - / S&S custom Yawl 27.4 09/14/2015
15. William Simmons
Wendy Simmons
Wynn Simmons
Richard Smith
Horseshoe Harbor Yacht Club 20 Allegro Classic Yachts / [C] - / Herreshoff S-Class 24.6 08/24/2015
16. Robert Mehlich
Larchmont Yacht Club 22 Kandahar 2 Classic Yachts / [C] - / Hereshoff S Boat 24.6 09/08/2015
17. Richard Beck
Ben Bajorek
Lucian Leone
William Blanchard
Larchmont Yacht Club S17 Iroquois Classic Yachts / [C] - / S-Boat 24.6 09/08/2015
18. Pierre Bardoux
Eric Letellier
none S-14 Ingwe Classic Yachts / [C] - / S class Herreshoff 24.6 09/13/2015
19. William Riley
L Y C S 68 Danae Classic Yachts / [C] - / Herreshoff S Boat 24.6 09/08/2015

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Neil Meyer
Justin Gibbons
LYC 54 Sandpiper Shields / [F] - / Shields - 09/15/2015
2. Roland Schulz
Alexandre de Germay
Larchmont Yacht Club 70 COQUETTA Shields / [F] - / SHIELDS - 09/09/2015
3. John Mawe
Larchmont Yacht Club 106 Lady Shields / [F] - / Shields - 09/11/2015
4. Richardson Hendee
Tim Walsh
IHYC 145 Hooke Shields / [F] - / Shields - 08/31/2015
5. Dwight Harris
IHYC 22 Circe Shields / [F] - / Sheilds - 09/10/2015
6. Thomas O'Brien
James Lawless
LYC 5 Swamp Fox Shields / [F] - / Shields - 09/08/2015
7. Fred Werblow
Larchmont Yacht Club 25 Checkmate Shields / [F] - / SHIELDS - 09/03/2015
8. Douglas Campbell
Larchmont YC 176 Katherine Shields / [F] - / Shields - 09/16/2015

Small Classics
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. David Melick
Patti Melick
Indian Harbor Yacht Club 25 Puffin Small Classics / [D] - / Hinckley Sou'wester 30 21.75 08/27/2015
2. Ian McMillan
None None Painkiller Small Classics / [D] - / Catboat 20.9 09/19/2015
3. George Conk
Peter Madison
City Island YC 85 North River 2 Small Classics / [D] - / Buzzards Bay 14 14 08/23/2015

Spirit of Tradition
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Jared Abrams
N/A 147 Mara E Spirit of Tradition / [SOT] - / Friendship Sloop 23.8 09/01/2015
2. Jim Fogarty
IHYC None Cadenza Spirit of Tradition / [SOT] - / Rozinante 20.1 09/06/2015
3. Kevin Rathbone
Mystic Seaport 197 Natanya Spirit of Tradition / [SOT] - / Friendship Sloop 23.5 09/10/2015