2. Jib and Main
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Gail Hamilton
Dan Corcoran
- 332 Strider 2. Jib and Main / - J-Boats / J/109 75 07/22/2019
2. Theresa Murphy
- 1472 LunaTac 2. Jib and Main / - Johnson / J24 174 07/21/2019
3. Emma Hendler
William Hendler
- 47308 Nereid 2. Jib and Main / - Carroll Marine / Frers 33 120 07/22/2019
4. Cesar Vallejos
Samantha LoBue
- 34060 Wild Blue 2. Jib and Main / - C&C / 34+ 114 07/10/2019
5. Maryellen Rothberg
- 356 Fiasco 2. Jib and Main / - Jboat / J80 129 07/26/2019