1. Jib and Main
    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Gail Hamilton
LHYC 332 Strider 1. Jib and Main / - JBoats / J/109 72 07/23/2020
2. Theresa Murphy
LHYC/CYC 1472 Lunatac 1. Jib and Main / - J24 / J 174 07/24/2020
3. Allison Reichel
Lloyd Harbor Yacht Club USA 619 SCAPEGOAT 1. Jib and Main / - J Boats / J 105 96 07/24/2020
4. Katherine Latawiec
LHYC 513 ATARAXIS 1. Jib and Main / - JBoats / J105 99 07/24/2020
5. Susan Trottere
Centerport YC 8182 MARINER 1. Jib and Main / - Beneteau / 352 165 07/25/2020
6. Ronald Ferina
Ronald Ferina
Masthead Cove YC 4169 Serendipity 1. Jib and Main / - Catalina / Catalina 30 TR 195 07/23/2020
7. Robert Pogue
Alison Dobbertin
- 14 Never Settle 1. Jib and Main / - J Boats / J/92 123 07/23/2020
8. Cesar Vallejos
Leigh Sterflinger
LHYC 34060 Wild Blue 1. Jib and Main / - C&C / 34+ 117 07/20/2020