    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Frank Pontious
BYSC 673 Orion Catboat / - Marshall / Sanderling 304 02/14/2022
2. James Flanagan
BYSC 183 Shorebird Catboat / - Marshall / 18 catboat - 02/25/2022
3. Billy Keyserling
Billy Keyserling no number Billy Keyserling Catboat / - Marshall / Sanderling - 03/22/2022
4. Robert Newton
Beaufort Yacht and Sailing 409 Lowcountry Lady Catboat / - Marshall / Catboat - 03/05/2022
5. Andy Kinghorn
BYSC 282 Tidal Wave Catboat / - Marshall / Sanderling 18 - 02/23/2022
6. Mark Dancer
BYSC (Beaufort Yacht & Sailing Club) NA Boo Boo Jam Catboat / - Marshall / Sanderling Catboat - 02/26/2022

    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. SCYC jr Sailors
South Carolina Yacht Club Tba Fortitude Keelboat / - Jboats / J24 171 02/17/2022
2. Bella Duer
BYSC/South Carolina Yacht Club 445 Hiking required Keelboat / - Jboat / J22 177 02/17/2022
3. Ray Gallagher
BYSC 61229 YEARDLEY 2 Keelboat / - Beneteau / Oceanis 321 186 03/04/2022
4. Carter Minnich
The South Carolina Yacht Umm Seagull Keelboat / - Alerion / 28 express 165 03/29/2022
5. Mark Lamas
Chatham Sailing Club 51242 C Student Keelboat / - j boats / 100 93 03/04/2022
6. Bob King
Dataw Island YC 180 Reverie Keelboat / - C&C / Monohull - 02/23/2022
7. Rich Moore
Windmill Harbor 177 Shazam Keelboat / - Beneteau / 285 first 204 03/21/2022