Registrants For
Commodore's Cup Summer Series Regattas 2024
Commodores Cup Logo
in conjunction with
Piscataqua Sailing Association 
Kittery Point Yacht Club & Portsmouth Yacht Club
July 6th - September 21th

July 06-September 21, 2024
37 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Scott Bridge

Albicore - 3 Cruising
2. Sean Conner

VIDA - 1 Cruising
Greenland, NH PYC
3. Russ Conde
John Dickison
John Dickison
LyraJoan - 150 Cruising
New Castle, NH KPYC
4. Gary Filgate
Winston Filgate
Dillon Kimmel
Cameron Strukel
Dragonfly - N/A Cruising
Barrington, New Hampshire KPYC
5. Matthew Thomas

Running on MT - 000 Cruising
Bedford, NH KPYC
6. Jack Savage
Ryan Young
Mango - 11 Cruising
Middleton, NH Blue Water Sailing Club
7. J Raymond Gaffey III

AURORA - 32 Cruising
North Hampton, NH KPYC
8. Mark Crotty
Elizabeth Crotty
Tranquility - None Cruising
Kittery Point, ME None
9. Richard Hamor
Jane Hamor
Jane Hamor
Racing Daylight - 38 Cruising
Dover, Nh KPYC
10. Rod Van Sciver

Culebra - 123 Cruising
Rye, NH New england sailing

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Thomas Keturakis
Emeline Keturakis
Emeline Keturakis
Sam Starbranch
Hana von der Linden
Bad Dog - 3259 J24
New Castle, NH KPYC
2. Kali Sink
Elizabeth KAne
Elizabeth Kane
Red Tide - 2355 J24
Kittery, Maine Pepperrell Cove
3. Carl Gustafson
John Guidotti
Solaris - 4506 J24
Greenland, Nh PSA
4. Vicki Janousek
Tim Janousek
Tim Janousek
Patty-Lynn Cogswell
Vox - 3247 J24
Sanford, Maine PSA
5. Keith Pratt
Mike Hodgens
Vector - 108 J24
Barrington, NH KPYC
6. James Sullivan
James Sullivan III

Dracarys - USA2715 J24
Brentwood, NH PSA
7. Doug Joyce
Peter Terkow
Peter Terkow
Fruitcakes - 5255 J24
Stratham, NH Kittery Point Yacht Club

Racing A under 125
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Dan Brown

Riff Raff - 51599 Racing A under 125
Portsmouth, NH KPYC
2. Cameron Chislett
Abbie Chislett
Myah Chislett
Henry Chislett
Robert Byrnes
Sunduza - 34973 Racing A under 125
Portsmouth, NH KPYC
3. Christopher Loader
Christopher Loader
Waterwitch - K715748 Racing A under 125
Sandown, NH KPYC
4. Christopher Loader
Nick DiMarc
Christopher Loader
Waterwitch - K715748 Racing A under 125
Sandown, NH KPYC
5. Sean / Barry McKenna / Larson
Barry Larson
Tavis Gibbons
Mike Hodgens
Mat Gibbons
Sam Gendreau
Scott Jones
Mike Coogan
Gremlin - US43564 Racing A under 125
York, ME PSA
6. john myles

Veladare - 20420 Racing A under 125
New Castle, NH PYC
7. John Zannos
Alex Zannos
Anne Zannos
Jacq Zannos
Chaos - USA80 Racing A under 125
New Castle, NH n/a
8. Robinson Berry
Seadon Wijsen
Pegasus - 32851 Racing A under 125
9. Kevin McCoole

HCTS - 162 Racing A under 125
Eliot, Me Kpyc

Racing B over 126
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Ben Gamari
Tim Stone
Laura Dietz
Mahi Mahi - 610 Racing B over 126
Portsmouth, NH KPYC
2. Richard Bombard

Defiant - 41579 Racing B over 126
Greenland, NH PSA
3. Gordon Vinther
lisa morrow
Ellie - 41935 Racing B over 126
Kittery Point, ME kypc
4. Anthony Ejarque
Ralph DiBernardo
Perpetuity - 3382 Racing B over 126
Rochester, NH KPYC
5. Dan Pratt

Terrapin Station - 41774 Racing B over 126
Amesbury, MA ayc
6. Ken Jennings

Miscreant - USA4470 Racing B over 126
Portsmouth, New Hampshire PSA
7. Ken Jennings

Miscreant - USA 4470 Racing B over 126
Portsmouth, NH PSA
8. Thomas Schladenhauffen

Aracati - 163 Racing B over 126
9. Dan Rigterink

Grace Margot - 409 Racing B over 126
Portsmouth, Nh PSA
10. Glenn McKibben
Joan McKibben
Stan Stone
Joe Ray
Bob Garrahan
Joan McKibben
Bob Sansoucie
Greyfax - 381 Racing B over 126
Litchfield, NH Portsmouth Naval Yacht Club
11. George Spiecker

AIRTHA - 227 Racing B over 126
North Hampton, NH PSA

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