Registrants For
Dallas Race Week 2024
Chandlers Landing Yacht Club

June 17-21, 2024
20 people have registered for this event

A Fleet PHRF less than 121
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Billy Self

SELFIE - 52 A Fleet PHRF less than 121
A FLEET Under 121 PHRF
Rockwall, Texas Chandlers Landing Yacht Club

B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Hunter Lee Sanders

Hottest Tuna - USA 2562 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Plano, TX CLYC
2. Laura Garner

Flying Circus - 3411 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Rockwall, TX SBYC
3. Don Kern

Katabatic - 160 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Rowlett, TX SBYC
4. Roy Heath

Aye, See You - TX115 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Heath, TX RCYC
5. Mrs. Doyle Sherman

TropICana - FL10 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Rockwall, TX Chandlers Landing
6. Tom Miller

Ruckus - 25 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Rockwall, TX Sbyc
7. Jordyn Fender

Deep6 - 6 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Heath, TX Rush Creek Yacht Club
8. Geno Stille

Graybeard - 1 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Dallas, TX Rush Creek
9. Mike Jones

WINGS - 53 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Garland, TX SBYC
10. Larry Seals

Mr Bills Dog - 172 B Fleet PHRF greater than or equal to 121 and less than 211
B FLEET 122 to 211 PHRF
Dallas, TX RCYC

C Fleet PHRF 211 and greater
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Shayna Borgfeld

Oblivious - 3098 C Fleet PHRF 211 and greater
Dallas, TX SBYC
2. Eric Hemker

No Strings Attached - 260 C Fleet PHRF 211 and greater
Heath, TX Rush Creek Yacht Club

D AUX boats Displacement over 6500 pounds
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Jarrod Baker

Blue Moon - 123 D AUX boats Displacement over 6500 pounds
D FLEET Over 6500 DISP
Rockwall, Texas Chandler's Landing Yacht Club
2. Doug Brown

Solstice - 41 D AUX boats Displacement over 6500 pounds
D FLEET Over 6500 DISP
Heath, TX Sapphire Bay
3. Kevin Almaguer

Serenity - 14 D AUX boats Displacement over 6500 pounds
D FLEET Over 6500 DISP
Garland, TX SBYC
4. Scott Weaver

Belle Claire - B345 D AUX boats Displacement over 6500 pounds
D FLEET Over 6500 DISP
Rockwall, Texas RCYC
5. Daniel Malak

Orion - 25215 D AUX boats Displacement over 6500 pounds
D FLEET Over 6500 DISP
Rockwall, Texas Chandlers Landing Yacht Club
6. Ron Surley

My Girl - 7174 D AUX boats Displacement over 6500 pounds
D FLEET Over 6500 DISP
Richardson, TX SBYC
7. Steven Hain

QUIXOTE - 664 D AUX boats Displacement over 6500 pounds
D FLEET Over 6500 DISP
Heath, TX RCYC

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