Registrants For
2012 Frostbite Series
Austin Yacht Club

January 21-February 18, 2012
47 people have registered for this event

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. John Kuc

Swallow - 22 Multihull
Austin, TX -

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Matthew Romberg

Imagine - 149 PHRF A
Round Rock, TX -
2. Greg Scully

Silverwind - 102 PHRF A
Round Rock, Texas -
3. Claude Welles

Jackrabbit - 1319 PHRF A
Austin, TX -
4. Ira Rush

Flyer - 266 PHRF A
Austin, TX -
5. Rob Stivers

Jammin - 113 PHRF A
Austin, Texas -
6. Bruce McFarland

Infinity - 122 PHRF A
Austin, TX -
7. Ray Shull

Mostly Harmless - 59 PHRF A
Austin, TX -
8. Brent Schwan

Wild Hare - 490 PHRF A
Austin, TX -
9. Steve Eller

Cold Shot - 344 PHRF A
Austin, TX -
10. John Bartlett

Speed Racer - 1320 PHRF A
austin, TX -
11. William Ratliff

Restless - 486 PHRF A
Austin, Tx. -

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Jon Nash

Namaste - 836 PHRF B
Austin, TX -
2. David Lewis

Vitamin Sea - 159 PHRF B
Austin, TX -
3. Kevin Reynolds

Dragon - 162 PHRF B
Austin, TX -
4. Brad Kocen

Sweet Agony - 20 PHRF B
Austin, Tx -
5. John Maddalozzo

Ornery - 1927 PHRF B
Austin, TX -
6. Richard Whitehill

Eureka! - 243 PHRF B
Leander, Texas -

PHRF Non-Spin A
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Barry Thornton

Pygon2 - 76 PHRF Non-Spin A
Austin, TX -
2. Wade Bingaman

Risin Moon - 4071 PHRF Non-Spin A
Austin, TX -
3. Jim Johnstone

S2 Pendo - 65 PHRF Non-Spin A
adsgf, tx -
4. Linda Donovan

Far Away - 54 PHRF Non-Spin A
Austin, TX -
5. Rocky Hutchinson

N0 Name Yet - 4296 PHRF Non-Spin A
Round Rock, Texas -
6. Jim Henrickson

warrior - 246 PHRF Non-Spin A
Austin, TX -
7. Damon Galloway

Sea Weasel - US465 PHRF Non-Spin A
Georgetown, TX -
8. Steve Ehlers

Endorfin - 3388 PHRF Non-Spin A
Cedar Park, TX -
9. Trey Am Rhein

Cader Park, TX -

PHRF Non-Spin B
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Bill Benker

- - 127 PHRF Non-Spin B
Austin, Texas -
2. Michael Tilley

Kati-B - 10256 PHRF Non-Spin B
Austin, TX -
3. Ken Jolly

Jollytime - 749 PHRF Non-Spin B
Austin, TX -
4. Chris Thompson

Three Hour Crewz - 94 PHRF Non-Spin B
Austin, TX -

PHRF One Design
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Randolph Bertin

Festina Lente - 1068 PHRF One Design
Austin, TX -
2. Renee Ruais

Goldilocks - 984 PHRF One Design
Austin, Tx -
3. Lewis Price

Dos Locos - 929 PHRF One Design
Austin, Texas -
4. Steve Gay

Peor es Nada - 101 PHRF One Design
Austin, TX -
5. Stephen Burke

Out of Control - 1997 PHRF One Design
Austin, TX -
6. John Parker

- - 923 PHRF One Design
Pflugerville, TX -
7. Bruce McDonald

Rogue Warrior - 169 PHRF One Design
Austin, TX -
8. Elliott Bray

Prime Time - 810 PHRF One Design
Austin, TX -
9. Christopher Dwight

No Name - 325 PHRF One Design
Austin, Texas -
10. Keith Lackey

BLT - 160 PHRF One Design
Austin, Te -
11. Rob Stivers

Southpaux - 124 PHRF One Design
Austin, Texas -
12. Carl Wiseman

Cloud 9 - 151 PHRF One Design
Austin, Texas -
13. Bob Mathison

401(J) - 672 PHRF One Design
Cedar Park, TX -
14. John Saunders

- - 234 PHRF One Design
Austinq, Tx -
15. James Wilsford

Esmeralda - 872 PHRF One Design
austin, texas -
16. Linda mcdavitt

walk n water - 69 PHRF One Design
austin, texas -

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