Registrants For
Wurstfest 2012 Regatta I

November 03-04, 2012
87 people have registered for this event

Flying Scot
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Keith Green
Art Caples
Up to Speed - 5845 Flying Scot
Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma City Boat Club
2. Scott Wells
Randy Roper
- - 3221 Flying Scot
San Antonio, Texas LCYC
3. Cameron Murg
Paul Calce
Bacon - 5161 Flying Scot
Dallas, TX Corinthian Sailing Club
4. Dari Esfahani
Stephanie Murg
Flying Shaytoon - 5959 Flying Scot
Dallas, Texas CSC
5. Richard Wade

- - 5471 Flying Scot
Dallas, Texas Corinthian Sailing Club
6. Keith Zars
Brian Zars
- - 5981 Flying Scot
San Antonio, Tx LCYC
7. robert cummings

rita - 5658 Flying Scot
dallas, tx csc
8. Baron Eliason
John Holt
High Plains Drifter - 15354 Flying Scot
Lubbock, TX none
9. Doug Shepard

- - 5967 Flying Scot
San Antonio, TX LCYC
10. Jeff Foerster
Aaron Stuckey
- - 5840 Flying Scot
San Antonio, TX LCYC
11. Tom Miller
Melissa Miller
- - 5398 Flying Scot
Rockwall, Tx CSC
12. Bruce Dunn
Scott Dunn
Shocker - 5589 Flying Scot
San Antonio, Texas LCYC
13. Bill McVey

Semper Fi - 5700 Flying Scot
Fair Oaks Ranch, Tx LCYC
14. Mike Bradshaw

Team Teal - 5751 Flying Scot
Oklahoma city, Oklahoma OCBC
15. Terry Jewell

Suey Pig - 5792 Flying Scot
Dallas, TX CSC
16. Forest Atkins

- - 3403 Flying Scot
Dallas, Texas CSC
17. Michael Mittman
Greta Mittman
Cool Flame - 5804 Flying Scot
Garland, TX Corinthian Sailing Club
18. Chris Powers
David Anderson
Clarabelle - 2742 Flying Scot
San Antonio, TX LCYC
19. Letty Eby
Tyrone Eby
Long E one b - 5969 Flying Scot
Okc, Oklahoma OCBC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Michael Lipari

- - 200188 Laser
Flower Mound, TX GSC\CSC
2. Max Lipari

- - 157853 Laser
Flower Mound, TX GSC\CSC
3. Patrick Hitchins

James Brown - 162453 Laser
Austin, Texas Austin Yacht Club
4. James McTurk

- - 176221 Laser
Houston, Texas Seabrook SC
5. Travis Arlitt

- - 8 Laser
Houston, TX None

Capt Snickelfritz - 149083 Laser
DALLAS, TX Corinthian Sailing Club
7. Ash Beatty

- - 200359 Laser
League City, TX MISA
8. Sebastien DUBOIS

- - 164245 Laser
Houston, texas SSC
9. Bruce Moore

- - 166854 Laser
Coppell, TX CSC
10. Christa Hvidsten

- - 19342 Laser
Dallas, TX CSC
11. Hank Saurage

- - 192906 Laser
Baton Rouge, LA Pelican Yacht Club
12. Doug Peckover

ImproperCourse - 195708 Laser
Carrollton, TX NOMAD

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Ralph (Sonny) Koerber
Kathy Koerber
Flipper - 11 Mutineer
Keller, TX Grapevine Sailing Club
2. Greg Reed
Joan Reed
Strumpet - 80 Mutineer
Grapevine, TX GSC
3. Randal Polson
Valerie Polson
High Cotton - 4764 Mutineer
Burleson, TX Grapevine Sailing Club
4. Uwe Hale
Colleen Nowlin
Greener Grass - 929 Mutineer
Bedford, TX Grapevine Sailing Club
5. Rey Garza

- - 794 Mutineer
LEANDER, TX Magnolia Beach Sailing Club

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Sam Hollenbeck

- - 4 Optimist
Austin, Texas AYC
2. Joshua Roper

Opti - 8708 Optimist
Universal City, Texas LCYC
3. Katy Hannan

- - 13398 Optimist
Heath, TX RCYC
4. Marcus Tita

- - 10266 Optimist
Austin, TX AYC
5. Charlie McBride

- - 9290 Optimist
Canyon Lake, Texas LCYC
6. Brandon Cassard

opti - 0035 Optimist
canyon lake, tx lcyc
7. Thomas Grimard

- - 7254 Optimist
Canyon Lake, TX LCYC
8. Rachel Mittman

Fetch Me - 13569 Optimist
Garland, TX Corinthian Sailing Club

Portsmouth Dinghy A
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. David Gilliland

Arrested Development - 209 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Heath, TX Rush Creek Yacht Club
2. Joe Pasciak

- - 186 Portsmouth Dinghy A
College Station, texas Conroe Yacht Club
3. Manuel LeBlanc
Doug Pettit
- - 540 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Arlington, Texas Arlington Yacht Club TX
4. Mike Mashl

Rojo - USA-185 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Seguin, Texas TCC
5. Larry Sowle

RedTuna - 212 Portsmouth Dinghy A
San Antonio, TX LCYC - Texas Centerboard Circuit
6. Arthur Cayer
Pamela Cayer
Bob's Bottom Job - 1068 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Friendswood, TX CLSC
7. Jennifer Loehlin
Dave Weeks
Fearless/Harpoon5.2 - 777 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Austin, TX Austin YC
8. Jack Carter
Steve Sorsby
Bahia - 11 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Fair Oaks Ranch, TX LCYC
9. Joe McDonough
peter McDonough
- - 1159 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Helotes, TX m3mber
10. Bill Gillilan
Mary Gillilan
Lila - 853 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Fort Worth, Texas TCC
11. John Luzius

God, Guns and Guts - 502 Portsmouth Dinghy A
georgetown, Texas 2-slo-yc
12. ernest bunata
dave kemp
Apropos - 168 Portsmouth Dinghy A
coppell, texas grapevice sailing club
13. Marsha Hartwell-Symons
Martin Waddy
n/a - 78 Portsmouth Dinghy A
San Antonio, TX none
14. Dave Kleinman

pupZilla - 354 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Cedar Park, TX Austin Yacht Club
15. Derek Mckesson

Silverlode(Celebrant) - USA204 Portsmouth Dinghy A
whitesboro, texas TCC
16. John Alesch
Jennifer Jones
Ranger - 8075 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Dripping Springs, Texas none
17. Skip Johnson
Skip Johnson JR
Pride of Lions - 5 Portsmouth Dinghy A
18. Owen Jones
Jeff Jones
Animal - 106 Portsmouth Dinghy A
Belton, Tx AYC

    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. David Smith

Oh Sheet - 80999 Sunfish
Lake Jackson, Texas Galveston Boat Club
2. Rod Favela

- - 36 Sunfish
Frisco, TX Rush Creek Yacht Club
3. Harold Simmons

PO GO - 3345 Sunfish
Canyon Lake, TX LCYC
4. Judi Foote

- - 77920 Sunfish
5. Patricia Manning

$ The Purser E - 80120 Sunfish
Austin, TX Austin Yacht Club
6. Dave Sanford

- - 10 Sunfish
Canyon Lake, Texas LCYC
7. David McCary

RhummRunner - 80387 Sunfish
Shreveport, Louisiana Shreveport Yacht Club
8. Edwin Owen

piglet - 80603 Sunfish
Shreveport, LA Shreveport
9. Warren Fitzpatrick

- - 88640 Sunfish
Lake Dallas, Texas TSC & NSA
10. Josh Rubin

- - 81075 Sunfish
Humble, TX Naval Academy Sailing Assoc. (NASS)
11. Harold Battarbee

Broken Arrow - 80744 Sunfish
Keithville, LA Shreveport Yacht Club
12. Marshall Woodson

- - 80091 Sunfish
Fort Worth, TX. Arlington Yacht Club
13. Ellen Burks

- - 938 Sunfish
Fort Worth, Texas LCYC
14. Chris Harkins

Sunfish - 7 Sunfish
Canyon Lake, TX LCYC
15. Kate Gomes

- - 10 Sunfish
Corpus Christi, TX LCYC

gusty 3 - 31486 Sunfish
17. Chris Besch

- - 80319 Sunfish
18. Lynn Simpson

Duchess - 80350 Sunfish
New Braunfels, TX LCYC
19. Sylvie Mathis

Soleil - 81006 Sunfish
Wimberley, TX LCYC
20. Jim Uroda

- - 89925 Sunfish
Lake Jackson, TX Galveston Boat Club
21. Victor Manning

Plane Crazy II - 80119 Sunfish
Austin, TX Autin Yacht Club
22. Patrick Laurie

Surf - 88395 Sunfish
Freeport, Texas Galveston Boat Club
23. Patsy Haines

The Laurie Jo - 80110 Sunfish
Arlington, TX Arlington Yacht Club
24. Annie Lancaster

- - 81039 Sunfish
Austin, Texas Austin Yacht Club
25. Andrew Kniffin

- - 111 Sunfish
San Antonio, Texas LCYC

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