Registrants For
2014 Viper 640 North American Championship

September 02-07, 2014
42 people have registered for this event

Viper 640
    Skipper Boat Name Bow#/Sail# Class Hometown Yacht Club Payment
1. Rod Beurteaux

ECLIPSE - AUS 215 Viper 640
Perth, WA Yacht Club
2. Jay Golison
Steve Flam
Shane Young
It's All Good - 204 Viper 640
Long Beach, California ABYC
3. Carson Reynolds
Jon Novak
BOLT - 187 Viper 640
Newport Beach, CA Balboa
4. Dan Holden

Wise Asp - 147 Viper 640
Anacortes, Washington Anacortes Yacht Club
5. James Sears
Kanye W
Kim K
F.N.G. - 148 Viper 640
Trabuco Canyon, CA Alamitos Bay Yacht Club
6. Peter Beardsley
Rachel Beardsley
Jay Rhame
Rachel Daugherty
Panda Capacitor - 222 Viper 640
Brooklyn, NY Larchmont YC
7. John Leyland

Moistened Bint - 191 Viper 640
North Vancouver, British Columbia ABYC
8. Mark Folkman
Jeff Johnson
Mike Galloway
Amateurs - 130 Viper 640
Redondo Beach, CA KHYC
9. rafe beswick

dragonfly - 131 Viper 640
olympia, wa south sound sailing society
10. Steven Chapman

Oshunmare - 87 Viper 640
Alcove, Quebec Britannia Yacht
11. Juan Mauri

Mauri Pro Sailing - 107 Viper 640
Frisco, TX DCYC
12. Mark Griffith
Dave Taylor
Mal Clark
OLD SCHOOL Racing - AUS183 Viper 640
Newport, NSW RPAYC
13. Peter Bauer

Wild Hogs - 159 Viper 640
Mamaroneck, New York Larchmont Yacht Club
14. Justin Scott

Mambo Kings - 254 Viper 640
Greenwich, Ct Riverside Dyer Dinghy Association
15. Alex Steele

Last Call - 153 Viper 640
Costa Mesa, Ca Balboa YC
16. Joe Sircely

Cobra Kai - 26 Viper 640
Frisco, Texas DCYC
17. Garrett Johns
Stephen Orsini
David Way
Kaa - 129 Viper 640
Burlington, WA Anacortes Yacht Club
18. Olaf Bleck

USA24 - 24 Viper 640
Chelsea, MA Quartzsite Yacht Club
19. Chris Ganne
Bryant Humann
Arthur Vasenius
wave*ohs - 72 Viper 640
Clovis, CA FYC
20. George Gluecksmann

TBD - 151 Viper 640
Vancouver, BC VRC
21. Ed Feo
Dave Millett
Chris Deneed
Locomotion - 104 Viper 640
Long Beach, CA Alamitos Bay
22. Kevin Taugher
Chuck Tripp
Mike Pentecost
Hot Mess - 38 Viper 640
Huntington Beach, CA Alamitos Bay
23. Bob McHugh

US 81 - 81 Viper 640
Fairfield, Connecticut Cedar Point YC
24. Matt Harden

Sweet Ride - 25 Viper 640
Lewisville, TX DCYC
25. Antony Chapman
Mike Hester
Luce Sahali
Little Wing - GBR 146 Viper 640
Paradise Valley, AZ Arizona YC
26. Andrew Mayhugh

Jolly Roger - 209 Viper 640
Newport Beach, Ca BCYC
27. Brad Milligan

Sinnerman - 143 Viper 640
PMB 117, Ca San Diego Yacht Club
28. Nigel Brownett
Glenn Van Heel
Andrew Kerr
Snake Eyes - 34 Viper 640
Long Beach, California ABYC
29. Todd Downey
Cody Schlub
Clown School - USA 23 Viper 640
Oxnard, Ca TPYC
30. Greg Jackson
John Mayall
Chrisann Tortora
heroin - USA 46 Viper 640
Gilbert, AZ Arizona Yacht Club
31. Geoff Fargo
Spencer Steffen
A. Tucker Atterbury
Boomslang - 174 Viper 640
Santa Barbara, CA SBSC
32. Laurent Dion

Red Red Wine - FRA 145 Viper 640
Paradise Valley, AZ AYC
33. Craig Walker

Boiling Point - 212 Viper 640
Fullerton, Ca ABYC
34. Court Roberts

Hyper Viper - 133 Viper 640
Anthem, Arizona Courtney
35. Dennis Palmieri

BB - 410 Viper 640
Malibu, CA - California Alamitos Bay
36. Tim Carter
Steve Bloemeke
Patricia Lapadula
Cobra - USA 223 Viper 640
Harbor City, CA Alamitos Bay YC
37. Jeff Grange
Chris Parker
Tedd White
805 - 149 Viper 640
Santa Barbara, CA Santa Barbara YC
38. Brad Boston

Jackpot - 211 Viper 640
Point Edward, Ontario Sarnia Yacht Club
39. Dennis Palmieri

BB - 110 Viper 640
Malibu, CA - California Alamitos Bay YC
40. Douglas Johnstone
Liz Hjorth
Jim Miller
V - GBR-138 Viper 640
Los Angeles, California CYC
41. Pat Gibson

Seco Tu Pelo - 152 Viper 640
Houston, TX HYC
42. Glenn Griley

Kindred Spirit - 173 Viper 640
Van Nuys, CA KHYC

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