    Skipper/Crew [Status] Sail# Hull Color Fleet Yacht Club
1. Holly Tullo
Alex Woloshyn
6921 - C420 Sandy Hook Bay Catamaran Club
Chicago Yacht Club
2. Cally Tullo
Emily Johnson
6928 - C420 sandy Hook Bay Catamaran Club
Grosse Pointe Yacht Club
3. scott sinks
Christopher Ford
9315 - C420 San Diego Yacht Club
Richmomd Yacht Club
4. Clay Danly
Rose Edwards
6938 - C420 Chicago Yacht Club
Chicago Yacht Club
5. Sean Golden
Camden Tougas
6923 - C420 Tabor/Beverly Yacht Club
Beverly Yacht Club
6. Will La Dow
Marly Isler
8680 - C420 San Diego Yacht Club
San Diego Yacht Club
7. Bradley Adam
Charles MacBain
6940 - C420 East Greenwich Yacht Club/ Sail Newport
Ida Lewis YC
8. Jack Cusick
Henry Dumke
6929 - C420 Pequot Yacht Club
Pequot Yacht Club
9. MaryClaire Kiernan
Madeleine Loosbrock
6603 - C420 Chicago Yacht Club
Minnetonka Yacht Club
10. Dylan Ale
Lindsey Andrade
6924 - C420 Kaneohe Yacht Club
Kaneohe Yacht Club
11. Sarah Williams
Ian Storck
5735 - C420 Bay Head Yacht Club
Centerport Yacht Club
12. Harrison Hawk
Cailin Oakes
4114 - C420 Annapolis Yacht Club
Annapolis Yacht Club
13. Axel Sly
JP Silvestri
4119 - C420 Coral Reef Yacht Club
Coral Reef Yacht Club
14. Nicholas Sertl
Katja Sertl
6834 - C420 Conanicut and Rochester YC
Conanicut and Rochester YC
15. Will Holz
Peter Bied
21 - C420 Chicago Yacht Club
Columbia Yacht Club
16. Jack Ortel
Austin Ortel
4769 - C420 Annapolis Yacht Club
Annapolis Yacht Club
17. Esteban Forrer
Daniel Ron
4595 - C420 Coronado Yacht Club
San Francisco Yacht Club
18. Max Simmons
Riley Legault
6930 - C420 Norwalk Yacht Club
Naples Community Sailing Center
19. Casey Klingler
Haley Fox
6922 - C420 Larchmont Yacht Club
Lauderdale Yacht Club
20. Jack Gerli
Kate Wasynczuk
5964 - C420 Mantoloking Yacht Club
Hull Yacht Club
21. Allyson Donahue
Maddie Widmeier
6931 - C420 Brigantine Yacht Club
Brant Beach Yacht Club
22. Patrick Floyd
AJ Libby
4143 - C420 Annapolis Yacht Club
Annapolis Yacht Club
23. BEN Garber
Sarah Hogg
6925 - C420 Minnetonka Yacht Club
Minnetonka Yacht Club
24. Charlie Lomax
Evan Morgan
5790 - C420 Annapolis Yacht Club
Annapolis Yacht Club
25. Elizabeth Tell
Katherine Naylor
6932 - C420 Bay Head Yacht Club
Bay Head Yacht Club
26. Charlie Lalumiere
Elizabeth Pemberton
6937 - C420 Portland Yacht Club
Wianno Yacht Club
27. Korbin Kirk
Jacob La Dow
4159 - C420 Long Beach Yacht Club
28. Connor Corgard
Nikki Obel
5377 - C420 None
Del Rey Yacht Club
29. Roger Dorr
Matthew Lyons
6935 - C420 Port Washington Yacht Club
Port Washington Yacht Club
30. AJ Reiter
Marissa Golison
4768 - C420 San Diego Yacht Club
Alamitos Bay Yacht Club
31. Forrest Short
Sophie Kerr
6936 - C420 Houston Yacht Club
Texas Corinthian Yacht Club
32. Julia Lambert
Haley McMahon
6437 - C420 Portland Yacht Club
Portland Yacht Club
33. Elena VandenBerg
Lilla Salvesen
6530 - C420 Annapolis Yacht Club
Annapolis Yacht Club