In consideration of acceptance of my participation in this event, I acknowledge and agree to the following: (1) My boat has a liability insurance policy currently in effect covering bodily injury and property damage with a per occurrence limit of liability of not less than $500,000 and said policy does not exclude yacht racing activities. (2) I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing of the International Sailing Federation including the national prescriptions of U.S. Sailing, as modified by the OCSA Sailing Instructions and the Race Notice and/or Supplemental Instructions for this event. (3) I have a current copy of the OCSA Race Book and have read and understand all the provisions set out in the OCSA General Sailing Instructions and Notice of Race including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Instruction #15.4 regarding the manner by which notice of hearings for protests and requests for redress filed with the OCSA will be given to parties to a protest or request for redress. (4) Competitors participate in SYSCO sponsored events entirely at their own risk. It shall be the responsibility of the skipper to inform the crew of the risks of sailboat racing, to make sure they understand and accept those risks, to decide whether the crew is competent and adequate for the event, and to decide whether to start or continue in a race. SYSCO will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the SYSCO sponsored event.