Register For

You are registering for the
Afternoon Class July 7-11 (1pm-4:45pm)


July 7 - 11, 2025

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Participant Requirements
Sailors need to be 8 to 18 years old and be able to swim.

Sailing Experience:

Novice (Never Sailed Before)
Beginner (I can rig my own boat) 
All participants must behave in a respectful manner. This is an instructional program, to teach boating safety and the fundamentals of sailing. We reserve the right to dismiss any child, if they cannot respect the basic rules of the club and the program.

Event Fees
Registrant Information

Fields marked with a * are required unless stated otherwise.

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Event Information

The Stockton Sailing Club Learn To Sail program includes physically and emotionally demanding activities. We want to
make sure you understand the risk of injury before you decide to participate. It is required that you read the following Legal
Document, very carefully, make sure you understand it, fill in all the spaces, and sign it before you, or your child begin our
program. No person or child will be allowed to participate without the properly filled out waiver and medical release forms.
I am aware in signing this statement for participation in the SSC Learn To Sail Program that certain elements are physically
and emotionally demanding. This program may include swimming, paddling, crawling, jumping, climbing, and other rigorous
activities on the water or on the land. My child will be working with SSC Learn To Sail Instructors and with others in their group. It is
possible that he/she may be injured while participating in the youth program either because of their own conduct, conduct of others
in the group, conduct of SSC Learn To Sail Instructor, or the condition of the premises.
Therefore, I voluntarily elect to allow my child to participate and I affirm that he/she is free of health conditions that might
create undue risk to my child or others that depend on them. My child is not under a physician’s care for any undisclosed condition
that bears upon his/her fitness to participate.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Stockton Sailing Club Learn To Sail Program, their agents and employees from all
claims, damages, losses, injuries and expenses arising out of or resulting from participation in the youth programs. I further agree to
release, acquit and covenant not to sue the Stockton Sailing Club, for all actions, causes of action claims or damages including but
not limited to, claims of negligence by SSC Learn To Sail Program or 3rd party, damages in law or remedies in equity of whatever
I agree to the site of any lawsuit and the law governing any such lawsuit shall be California and governed by California law. As
liquidated damages, I hereby agree that if the Stockton Sailing Club is forced to defend any action, lawsuit or litigation by myself, my
executors, my heirs or on my families behalf, my heirs or executors and I agree to pay the Stockton Sailing Club costs and attorney
fees if they successfully defend such action, lawsuit or litigation. In signing this document for my minor child I agree to pay any and
all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Stockton Sailing Club in the event that the Stockton Sailing Club is forced to defend any
action, lawsuit, or litigation brought by my minor child.
The terms of this agreement shall continue and be in effect after the camp is over. Should any paragraph or part of this
agreement be declared unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction the remaining paragraphs or parts shall remain in full
force and effect.
I authorize and release to the Stockton Sailing Club the use for any purpose of any photographic or video recorded image of
the participant listed.
I have adequate health, disability and life insurance for myself, and my family.
I hereby give permission for transportation to any medical facility or hospital, and I authorize for any qualified instructor or
medical personnel to render necessary emergency medical care for the participant listed.
In addition to the above if for any reason my child or I are injured I give Stockton Sailing Club personnel permission to seek
treatment for my personal well-being. I have signed this document of my own free will. I do hereby authorize
the performance of medical examinations and necessary treatments (including test, x-rays, drugs, etc...) as
may be deemed advisable or necessary by the physician in attendance. This consent shall be in effect for the
period of time that my child participates in Stockton Sailing Club Learn To Sail activities. If an emergency
arises requiring a major medical procedure, the program director will attempt to reach me or a contact from
the provided emergency contact list and to be guided by my wishes: but if I cannot be reached, I authorize the
attending physician to act as medical judgment may dictate.

I agree to the above:

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