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You are cordially invited to compete in Conanicut Yacht Club’s 88th annual AROUND THE ISLAND RACE to be held
Sunday, September 6, 2015 and to attend a post‐race party, dinner, and awards presentation at the Conanicut Yacht Club immediately following the race.
- MANAGEMENT: The AROUND THE ISLAND race will be conducted by the Conanicut Yacht Club’s Race
Committee (RC), which will have the authority to reject any entry before each race starts, interpret the rules and conditions of the race, and decide any protest. The fleet shall be divided into classes according to rating and other factors at the discretion of the committee.
2. ELIGIBILITY: The Race is open to mono hull sailing yachts 22’ to 80’ and sport boats (including multihull boats) less than 22’ at the discretion of the RC.
2.1 All yachts must supply a valid 2015 PHRF‐NB certificate to register, or shall be a member of a recognized One‐Design class (e.g. J22, Shields, J24) for which a PHRF‐NB rating is known and supplied by the registrants. A boat that elects to use the PHRF‐NB rating of a One‐Design class must be equipped and sail in compliance with the rules of that class.
2.2 One‐Design yachts with five or more entries will be grouped in a dedicated class, and will have their own start.
2.3 The Entry fee is $65.00, or $85.00 if registration is completed after 1800 hours on August 30, 2015.
2.4 No entries will be accepted after 1200 hours Friday, September 4, 2015.
2.5 Register online at:
3. RULES: The rules governing the race will be:
3.1 The 2013‐2016 Racing Rules of Sailing and US Sailing Prescriptions.
3.2 The Class rules for all one‐design yachts sailing in a dedicated one‐design start, or one‐design yachts sailing in any class and relying on a PHRF‐NB rating for that class.
3.3 This Race Notice, and all amendments.
3.4 The Sailing Instructions (when issued), and all amendments, which take precedence in case of conflict.
4.1 PHRF‐NB Rated Yachts will be divided into classes based on handicap and at the discretion of the Race Committee.
4.2 Spinnaker and non‐spinnaker handicapped yachts will be assigned their own classes.
4.3 Classes will be designated for each One Design class with five or more entries.
4.4 Yachts sailing in classes other than a One Design class will be scored using Time on Time (TOT) correction using 2015 PHRF‐NB ratings.
4.5 Scratch sheets will be published online at and available at the Club 1200 hours Saturday, September 5, 2015.
5.1 One prize will be awarded for the monohull with overall fastest elapsed time. In the event race conditions dictate that the Race Committee establish more than one course, only yachts sailing the longest course are eligible for this award.
5.2 One prize will be awarded for the monohull with overall fastest corrected time using PHRF (TOT). In the event race conditions dictate that the Race Committee establish more than one course, only yachts sailing the longest course are eligible for this award.
5.3 All classes ‐ 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes awarded.
6. REGISTRATION: Register for the race and purchase post‐race event tickets at: Registration will open by June 15, 2015.
Registration is now open and available online via Regatta Network. Click the link below to begin your registration:
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