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Adding A Class fleet for 2015.
In 2007, the Stiletto Nationals was reformatted to be open to all multihull sailboats and renamed after the late Bob Buzzelli, avid multihull and Stiletto sailor. The regatta has grown from a small fleet of Stilettos to a varied fleet on multiple courses.
In 2013 once again we had a strong showing of 66 multihull boats participating in 11 races over the weekend. In 2014 we added an extra day sailing for the PHRF and trimaran fleets.
In 2012, 67 multihulls gathered for 3 days of racing and cruising. About 180 sailors traveled from Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, the Dominican Republic, and all corners of Florida. The fleet consisted of 11 Stilettos, 10 Corsair/Farriers, a Roberts Cat27, 3 Hobie16s, a SuperCat19, 6 F18s, 11 F16s, 17 WindRiders, and 6 Wetas. The Fall weather was fresh with sunny skies and breeze starting light at 3 knots filling in to 6 on Friday. A front came through early Saturday morning that perked things up for Saturday and Sunday racing with winds up to 16 knots on Sunday morning.
2011′s regatta participants came from: Arizona, Alabama, California, Colorado, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and all corners of Florida. A total of 74 boats competed in 8 classes comprised of: Stilettos, Corsairs, Formulas, Hobies, Nacras, Windriders, Hobie Waves, Wetas, and a variety of other multihulls. All had a marvelous time with great competition on the water, comradery on land, and wonderful hospitality from the Sarasota Sailing Squadron. Friday’s race was, per tradition, on the Gulf of Mexico with a fleet of 7 Stilettos for their long-distance race and many other boats ranging from 14 to 31 feet. Races on Saturday and Sunday where on Sarasota Bay on three courses.
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