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There is a $50 donation per boat request to sail in this fundraiser.
SKIPPERS meeting / party at NOYC on Friday, Oct. 11
REGATTA Saturday, Oct. 12 with after party at NOYC
For over a decade the Lake Pontchartrain Women's Sailing Association has sponsored a fundraising regatta with proceeds going to breast cancer research, early detection and quality of life support for those who are fighting breast cancer. In the FUN race, to benefit the Louisiana Breast and Cervical Health Program, sailors can shave time off their races by—among other things—donating boat-loads of money. AND the race will also be scored in the traditional manner. Simply sail fast enough to win the contest for speed. In addition to the light-hearted and/or competitive racing, crews, friends, and sailors enjoy a fun-filled post-regatta gala where they can bid on fabulous items, enjoy live music and great food.
The 2019 Pink Ribbon Regatta is October 12 at New Orleans Yacht Club. Put together a crew now and begin your boat's fundraising early. Start today and you may win the 2018 PRR, without even leaving the slip!
Early registration will earn PHRF rating benefits for the FUN scoring. The earlier you register, the faster your boat will finish!
Start raising funds to jump ahead of your competition.
Registration is now open and available online via Regatta Network. Click the link below to begin your registration:
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