Turkey Trot Regatta 2021 : Halifax Sailing Association

About Event

CHANGE of DATE - Event is now Saturday, 11/13 
All posted dates are extended by one week. 
The annual HSA Turkey Trot Regatta is a distance race held in the Halifax River open to all sailboats with a valid Portsmouth rating. The distance race is followed by a pot luck turkey dinner at the club. 
Venue - Racing will be on and around the Intracoastal Waterway, locally known as the Halifax River, between the Orange Avenue Bridge and the Dunlawton Bridge. 
Course - The course will follow the length of the river and include as many windward/leeward legs as possible. Specific course details will be covered at the skippers meeting. Course distance will be approximately 8nm, depending on the conditions and course configuration. 
Fees - Please register online BEFORE 11/6 to receive discount. Checks or cash accepted for payment on the day of the event. Sorry, no credit cards at venue, only online. $25 Adult multi-crew ($45 if after 11/5/21 11/12/21). $15 Adult singlehand ($35 if after 11/5/21 11/12/21). $10 Youth sailors (17 years and younger) or Full-time student ($30 if after 11/5/21 11/12/21). 
Sailing Instructions The sailing instructions will be available at the skippers meeting. Thanksgiving Dinner will follow the racing. All competitors and guests are asked to bring an appetizer, side dish, or desert.

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