2022 GulfStreamer and GulfStreamer Sprint Race : Halifax River Yacht Club

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The Halifax River Yacht Club in Daytona Beach Florida is proud to announce the 13th biennial running of the GulfStreamer Race – a sailing regatta from Daytona Beach, Florida to Charleston South Carolina. The GulfStreamer Race has been held on even years (except for 2020/21) over Memorial Day weekend since 1998 and the 2022 race is drawing sailors and spectators from all over the southeastern United States! 

The Halifax River Yacht Club will host a rum party on Thursday, May 26, 2022 as a send off to the sailors who will begin the GulfStreamer Race the following afternoon after breakfast and a skippers meeting in the morning. The GulfStreamer Race starts at the sea buoy off of Ponce Inlet, Florida. 
The Race start begins the traditional Sprint Race – a “race within a race” – as skippers and crew speed the first 10 miles along the coastline to the Daytona Beach Main St. Pier for a separate trophy. This Brian Every Memorial Sprint Race will finish just a few hundred yards from the end of the Daytona Beach Main St. Pier, providing the best viewing of the entire race fleet. Racers entered in the entire GulfStreamer Race won’t stop to celebrate the Sprint Race finish, but will continue the GulfStreamer race as they turn their sailing tactics from a short sprint to a grueling test of endurance and seamanship as they head towards Charleston, South Carolina, approximately 215 nautical miles to the north. 
Competing yachts should be finishing the Race Saturday evening and into Sunday morning offshore of Charleston, SC. The awards ceremony will be held at the Charleston Yacht Club on Sunday, May 29, 2022. 
Early registration discounts are available until March 14, 2022. 

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