The Sarasota Sailing Squadron welcomes you to the 2022 D13 ILCA Championship! We have 137 boats entered and are looking forward to a great regatta weekend. Please review the information below to ensure you are well informed of the “Logistics” plan for your arrival, and for the weekend.
PARKING: The club intends to accommodate a large percentage of the boats on dollies inside the club’s gates. In order to accomplish this, there will be no vehicle or trailer storage permitted inside the club gates, we simply do not have the room. Competitors will be required to park in the large island lawn outside the club’s gate. Boats can be unloaded in that area and walked into the club on their dollies. It is likely that all 137 boats will not fit inside the club so priority will given on a first come first served basis. We will do our very best to accommodate everyone inside but we need your help to do this by tightly storing your boat next to your fellow competitors. The secondary launching and storage area will be outside of the club in the public park. We will have gate attendants present that can assist you in where to park. For the majority of the boats that will be stored inside the club, please ensure you refer to the map under Race Documents and place your boat in one of the designated areas. It is essential that competitors boats not interfere with the clubs regular flow of club member traffic, and non ILCA member boat access and use.
COACH BOATS: Coach boat launching and retrieval shall be made at the public boat ramp located on Ken Thompson Park. After launching, coach boats may be rafted up on the south side of the long floating Squadron “C-Dock" for the weekend. The docking space that is associated with Squadron boat ramp must remain free of coach boats. We will have a dock master in place that can assist you in where to dock. Your cooperation in this regard is very much appreciated by our club members!
SPECTATOR BOATS: Spectator boats may be launched at the public boat ramps located at Ken Thompson Park or at the 10th Street boat ramp on the mainland. Spectator boats may not be docked at the Sailing Squadron. REGATTA DINNER: Dinner will be served after racing on Saturday evening. Extra dinner tickets may be purchased at the Squadron Bar for $20.
TRAFFIC: Downtown Sarasota is currently undergoing an extensive road construction project, please consider that in your planned travel time. There will also be a large scale outdoor festival taking place at Ken Thompson Park on Saturday that could also increase travel time to the club.
CAMPING: The City of Sarasota does not permit overnight camping at the Sailing Squadron or in Public City Parks.
UGLY SWEATER PARTY: On Friday evening, the Squadron is hosting an ugly sweater party from 5 to 7 pm. Pack your ugly sweater and join in on the fun!
RED TIDE ALGAE BLOOM: The west coast of Florida continues to experience sporadic Red Tide algae blooms that come and go with no predictability. The beaches at the Sailing Squadron are currently experiencing a nearby Red Tide algae bloom. Depending on the wind and tide, this could lead to mild respiratory discomfort. It varies day to day. The racing area in Sarasota Bay is currently Red Tide free and sailing practices and regattas have been taking place uninterrupted.