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The Oriental Dinghy Club presents the Dragons Breath Regatta on the weekend of May 31 - June 2. It’s for boats 20 feet and longer. There will be fleets for Spinnaker, JAM (A and B) and Cruising Class (Pursuit). We are aiming for three races on Saturday and a two on Sunday for Spin and JAM, and One each day for Cruising Class. Register by May 24 and it’s $70. Late registration – up to Friday Maiy 31st is $80. Please email us if you intend to race but have not registered, or have any issues with the registration process!
Dinner Saturday Night, Cash bar, and dinner for the crew, Toucan is providing Dinner and desert, Menu to be posted soon! Tickets are $30 a person, but reservations must be received by May 26
Registration is now open and available online via Regatta Network. Click the link below to begin your registration:
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