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INVITATION: Rose City Yacht Club invites all eligible boats to participate in the first race of the year. The Frostbite Regatta will be held on the Columbia River between the I-5 and I-205 bridges.
DESCRIPTION: This is a one-day regatta consisting of two or more races. This is a qualifier for the OCSA Participation and Performance Trophy.
ELIGIBILITY AND INSTRUCTIONS: The regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing and the OCSA General Sailing Instructions. The regatta is open to all boats sailing in a One-Design, PHRF, ORC or Level class. All entrants shall comply with the rules governing their class.
DATE AND TIMES: Racing will be on Saturday, March 15. The first warning signal is scheduled for 1300 hours. Additional races will begin shortly after all boats in an individual class have finished.
REGISTRATION: Eligible boats shall enter and pay online at before the registration deadline of 1700 local time two days before the race. No late registrations or on the water registrations will be accepted.
FEES: Entry fee is $10 for RCYC members and $35 for all competitors who are not members of RCYC. All entrants must be a current OCSA member to enter this race.
CLASS DIVISIONS: Any changes as well as class breaks will be posted on the official notice board at, not later than 2200 hours the evening before the race.
TROPHIES: Awards will be presented at the OCSA Awards Party.
COURSES: The OCSA General Sailing Instructions and Courses will be used and are available in the OCSA Racebook. Race may provide an alternative course depending on weather conditions.
INFORMATION: For more information contact the RCYC Race Captain at
SOCIAL: An after race social, bring your own eats and drinks, will take place at RCYC immediately after racing is concluded. RCYC St Patrick's Day Dinner will be available by RSVP please contact RCYC Race Captain Ben Emery at
The Official Notice of Race is at Notice Board
Registration is now open and available online via Regatta Network. Click the link below to begin your registration:
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