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Welcome to the Toliva Shoal race! Toliva is the third race in the Southern Sound Series, jointly hosted by the South Sound Sailing Society (SSSS) and the Olympia Yacht Club (OYC). We are excited to have you as a participant in this event, and want to ensure that the experience is smooth and easy for you. Emails will be sent periodically with event updates and information.
All racing sailboats are invited to participate: PHRF, Cruising and One Design Fleets. All PHRF participants must be current PHRF members. This year, registration is only available over the Internet.
Courtesy of the City of Olympia, moorage is available free of charge at Percival Landing in Olympia - D and E docks - on Friday and Saturday nights, first-come, first-served basis. Electrical power is available on E dock (no water due to seasonal shut-off), but D dock remains powerless/waterless.
Olympia has free street parking evenings, weekends and holidays. Parking is also available in the southwest section of the parking lot fronting 4th Ave. Free parking placards will be available at the clubhouse Friday evening and Saturday morning. Do not park in the OYC member’s parking lot (unless you are an OYC member) or the Oyster House section to the east. If you need to park Friday night and want to park in the lot, please write the word TOLIVA on a piece of paper at least 4x6” in size and leave it on your dashboard, but make sure that you obtain an official permit Saturday morning to avoid a parking ticket.
Toliva will once again have a Friday night dinner ($15) pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, cornbread, slaw and desserts, with a beer and wine bar, 7:00 Saturday breakfast ($5), and hot soups and beer (free) after the race.
The Double Tree Hotel, 415 Capitol Way N, (360) 570-0555 is within walking distance for those folks who would rather sleep in a bed.
If you have any questions about this event, email Susan McRae, Please make sure that you have the word Toliva in the subject line.
Note: SSSS cannot accept credit or debit cards except for Internet registrations. Meals are cash/check only. Exact change is greatly appreciated.
Entrants are encouraged to view the website and read the Southern Sound Series Sailing Instructions and the Toliva Shoal Notice of Race.
Welcome aboard ~
Registration is now open and available online via Regatta Network. Click the link below to begin your registration:
Register Online Edit a Registration