Apr 22, 2015 14:24 EST
Update #2
Please save for future reference
Moorage, time sensitive, May 1 deadline: We have been given the green light to offer dry storage and marina slip rentals, 4 spots in each. The rate will be $490/3 months, June-August. We must have 4 commitments for dry storage by May 1 in order to reserve the fencing. Contact susan@cgra.org. Additional mast down storage will be available in the overflow parking area for $5/day.
Registration: Please finish your online registration, add crew, pay, etc. Note the merchandise section where you can purchase extra meal tickets. We’re working with Helly Hansen on a line of customizable clothing. Stay tuned!
CGOD registration is open: Columbia Gorge One Design & Melges 24 Pre Nationals. This is an excellent pre Nationals Gorge tune up. Your prompt registration helps us in planning a successful event.
Measurement Certificate: Mail to CGRA, 709 N. Columbia Blvd., Portland, OR 97217, or email susan@cgra.org
Lodging: July/August is prime tourist season and accommodations fill up. Skamania Lodge, a CGRA season sponsor, features premium accommodations, dining, golf, zip line, wine tasting, spa, etc. Normally $300 to $400 per night; we have a special rate $189 per night. Use code “Melges24” Limited number of rooms available!
For house rentals, contact our sponsor, Oak Street Hotel & Vacation Rentals. They’re working on a deal, so mention CGRA when you reserve. In general, Hood River (most expensive) will have largest selection, then Stevenson, then Cascade Locks (least expensive).
Sponsors: Please take a sec to THANK OUR SPONSORS! Remember, sponsors keep registration costs down and help ensure successful events. Allan Terhune, Quantum’s One Design Director says, “We are very proud to be a sponsor of the CSR Marine 2015 Melges 24 Nationals. Quantum has had a long and successful relationship with the Melges 24 class and it’s a privilege to help support the owners and the class. Whether we are sponsoring an event or working one-on-one with customers, it’s our goal to help everyone have an enjoyable sailing experience. The Quantum One Design team wishes everyone the best of luck at Nationals, and we look forward to supporting teams as they strive to achieve their goals.”
Daily SPEED Challenge: Velocitek is giving away a FREE Shift to the fastest boat of the day!
PLUS, additional daily and weekend prizes from Bluesmiths shirts, Kaenon Sunglasses, Quantum Shirts, Hutchinson gear, RBS Carbon Battons, Alpha lines, Anacortes Rigging, Carbon Keel Savers . . .
PLUS, weekend/Regatta prizes: complete Raptor deck for best wipeout by Raptor Deck, Melges USA gear, Raffles, etc. . .
Press releases:
1st: http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=0639f563-9424-4085-9bf1-ce24bbafe63d&c=1b1d2200-501b-11e3-ac71-d4ae5275dbc8&ch=1d00d620-501b-11e3-ac83-d4ae5275dbc8
2nd: http://www.usmelges24.com/?p=news/&id=1570
All the links you need in one place:
CGRA: http://cgra.org
US MELGES: http://www.usmelges24.com
Registration: http://www.regattanetwork.com/event/9441
CSR Marine 2015 Nationals Video, updated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwSHR9Ux1mw&list=UU5goj4SpW8-Nn-Npy6NGvwQ
Port of Cascade Locks Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoW16Zf2iuI
For additional questions please contact:
CGRA: Sue Winner, susan@cgra.org
USMCA: Manfred Schmiedl, manfredschmiedl@mac.com